At the University at Buffalo I teach three basic types of courses: traditional geology course with labs, special topic seminars, and summer workshops.  In all my courses you can expect to “get your feet wet”.  I believe the best way to reinforce the fundamentals of our science is to actually get out in the field/lab and do it.  Below is a list of course I teach and some photos to add some context into what you will learn.

Traditional Geology Courses

Hydrogeology (GLY414/514) – Fall

Surface Processes and Hydrology (GLY312) – Spring

Groundwater Flow Modeling (GLY539 ) – Spring Even Years

Field Methods in Hydrogeology (GLY564) – Spring Odd Years

Quantifying Groundwater and Stream Interactions (GLY606) Fall 2017, part of CUAHSI Virtual University


UB GLY514 Hydrogeology Class  GLY313 Hydrology Class   UB Field Methods in Hydrogeology (Lowry)

UB GLY313 Snow Survey  UB Field Methods in Hydrogeology (Lowry)   UB Field Methods in Hydrogeology (Lowry)

Special Topic Seminars

Arduino for Geoscientists – Fall 2015


Summer Workshops

Pumping test design and analysis – Summer 2014.

Groundwater/surface water interactions – Summer  2012 and 2013.

Hydrological Field Methods – Summer 2011.

Distributed Temperature Sensing for Stream Hyporheic Exchange – Summer 2010.

UB GLY414 Pumping Test Lab  WNY Watershed Network  Summer Stream Workshop