Hydrogeophysics and Hydrogeology Group
University at Buffalo, SUNY

Adam Flaxman
(MS, expected 08/2009): He focuses on field GPR acquisition design by evaluating 1) the tolerance of errors in transmitter/receiver locations; 2) the number of antennas needed to provide adequate spatial coverage and resolution, yet not redundant information; 3) the realistic field width and width/depth ratio that favors the use of tomographic GPR; 4) and the best time to collect GPR data such that the data is the most informative.

Anthony Kellogg
(MS, expected 05/2010): His research is to evaluate the sensitivity of seismic and electromagnetic (EM) responses to hydrocarbon reservoir overburden attributes. This study provides a general guidance on the applications of these geophysical data for different situations of hydrocarbon reservoirs and overburdens.

Jeremy Crowley
(PhD expected 05/2012, with co-advisor Dr. Matt Becker): His research plan is to use Distributed Temperature Sensor (DTS) to establish temperature signatures of ground water contributions. These measurements help describe interactions between surface and subsurface flow, more efficiently than traditional point measurements. These measurements when used in combination with a coupled ground water heat balance model can determine ground water flux into and out of the stream.

Neil Terry
(MS, expected 05/2010): His research is to evaluate the performances of different geophysical forward models and inverse modeling strategies, focusing on cross borehole GPR and seismic data for monitoring environmental remediation processes.


PhD and MS student positions available.

Starting time - Fall 2009 and Spring 2010.

Application Deadline - ASAP.

Expected academic background: Geophysics, Hydrogeology, Environmental Engineering, Mathematics, and Statistics.

In interested, please send your curriculum vitae, documents of academic records, and letters of references to hou2@buffalo.edu, or submit application online.