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Class Field Experiences


  Each of these classes features a field component. Feel free to contact us for more information about any of the classes listed. You can also use the arrows to scan through articles about some of the different field trips.

GLY 103: Niagara Frontier field trip. Full-day trip where students learn about how the landscape around Niagara Falls was shaped by massive glaciers that retreated from here about 12,500 years ago.

GLY 104: Fossil collecting trip. Full-day trip to various locations around Buffalo where students can collect and keep fossils deposited between 400 and 200 million years ago. The trip ends at Penn Dixie, where everyone is guaranteed to find a fossil.

GLY 137: Full-day trip to the Royal Ontario Museum to see the dinosaur collection. We provide transportation and a reduced admission cost.

GLY 206 Petrology - 2 1/2 day trip to the Canadian Shield to view the progressive metamorphism in the Grenville series near Bancroft, Canada.

GLY 325 Geophysics/Tectonics - 2.5-day field trip in the Adirondacks and Appalachians of Eastern New York studying regional tectonics. Also, 4 one-day field trips in various locations of Western New York to conduct geophysical experiments.

GLY 326 Structural Geology - 4 one-day field trips to Watkins Glen and Zoar Valley.

GLY 480/580 Geology of North America - 3 day field trip to Harpers Ferry, Falls of the Potomac, and Blue Ridge Mountains to view various rock and tectonic uints in the Appalachian Orogen.

Advanced Field Classes are also planned for Mexico and southwestern England.

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