
The Groundwater Module discusses topics such as the location of groundwater, the conductivity of geologic materials, well testing, and groundwater contamination. It includes numerous interactive exercises and experiments, including the measurement of porosity, experimentation using Darcy's Law, well testing using the Theis method, plume of pollution, groundwater velocity, and many other skills and techniques including data aquisition and analysis. It is a self-explanatory module which guides students through its various sections as they go.

Here are some ScreenShots from Groundwater:


Screen Shot1
Screen Shot2
Well Testing
Testing Darcy's Law
Screen Shot3
Screen Shot4
Measuring porosity
Finding the plume of pollution

How Do I Get It?
IMPORTANT! To Download, Option-Click on one of the "Get It" links below to save a copy of the module on your computer via our FTP site.

Get It! Download the Groundwater Application for Macintosh or Power Macintosh computers. (6.9MB)