
The Volcanoes module discusses Types of Volcanoes, Products of Volcanoes, and Hazards of Volcanoes. When used in succession with the Eruption! crisis model game (over the course of two consecutive lab periods) it provides a comprehensive introduction to volcanoes and their activity.

Here are some ScreenShots from Volcanoes:


Screen Shot1
Screen Shot2
Visual depiction of lava flows
Visual depiction of steam plumes
Screen Shot3
Screen Shot4
Magma creating deformation
Computerized hazard maps

How Do I Get It?
IMPORTANT! To Download, Option-Click on one of the "Get It" links below to save a copy of the module on your computer via our FTP site.

Get It! Download the Volcanoes module for Macintosh or Power Macintosh computers. (7.5MB)