[2017, Buffalo, Greenland Ice Sheet Stability][2022, Buffalo, SE Alaska][2023, Bergen, Norway, Greenland Ice Sheet Stability]
* denotes UB graduate student author
** denotes UB undergraduate student author
Briner, J.P., Kaufman, D.S., Bennike, O. (submitted). The size of the Greenland Ice Sheet during Marine Isotope Stage 3. Quaternary Research.
Walcott, C.K.*, Balter-Kennedy, A., Briner, J.P., Schaefer, J.M., Young, N.E. (submitted). Glacial erosion and history of Inglefield Land, northwest Greenland. EGU Sphere. [link to Discussions article]
Keisling, B.A., Schaefer, J.M., DeConto, R.M., Briner, J.P., Young, N.E., Walcott, C.*, Winckler, G., Balter-Kennedy, A., Anandakrishnan, S. (submitted). Greenland Ice Sheet vulnerability under diverse climate warming scenarios. EGU Sphere. [link to Discussions pdf].
Briner, J.P., Darvill, C.M. (in press). Holocene Glaciation in the Americas. Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science. Elsevier. (authors contributed equally to this work). [pdf]
in press
Prince, K.*, Briner, J.P., Walcott, C.K.*, Chase, B.M.**, Kozlowski, A.L., Rittenour, T.M., Yang, E.P.* (2024). New age constraints reveal moraine stabilization thousands of years after deposition during the last deglaciation of western New York, USA. Geochronology, 6, 409-427. [link to article] [pdf]
Kjanto, K., Andresen C., Seroussi, H., Rieckh, T., Briner, J.P., de Fleurian, B., Born, A., Nisancoiglu, K. (2024). Holocene warmth explains the Little Ice Age advance of Sermeq Kujalleq. Quaternary Science Reviews, 341. [pdf]
Tulenko, J.P.*, Briner, J.P., Young, N.E., and Schaefer, J.M. (2024). Abrupt warming and alpine glacial retreat through the last deglaciation in Alaska interrupted by modest Northern Hemisphere cooling. Climate of the Past, 20, 625–636, [link to article] [pdf]
Walcott, C.K.*, Briner, J.P., Tulenko, J.P., Evans, S.M. (2024). Equilibrium line altitudes of alpine glaciers suggest summers in Alaska were not more than -2 to -5°C colder than the pre-industrial during the Last Glacial Maximum. Climate of the Past 20, 91–106,, 2024. [link to article] [pdf]
Mangerud, J., Svendsen, J.I., Briner, J.P. (2023). Comments to the paper “A 10Be chronology of the Esmark Moraine and Lysefjorden region, southwestern Norway: Evidence for coeval glacier resurgence in both polar hemispheres during the Antarctic Cold Reversal” by Aaron E. Putnam, George H. Denton and Joerg M. Schaefer.Quaternary Science Reviews, 323, p.108348. [pdf]
Miller, G.H., Pendleton, S.L., Jahn, A., Zhong, Y., Andrews, J.T., Lehman, S.J., Briner, J.P., Raberg, J.H., Bueltmann, H., Raynolds, M., Geirsdóttir, Southon, J.R. (2023). Moss kill-dates and modeled summer temperature track episodic snowline lowering and ice-cap expansion in Arctic Canada through the Common Era. Climate of the Past 19, 2341–2360, 2023, 10.5194/cp-19-2341-2023. [pdf][link to online manuscript]
Larocca, L.J., Twining-Ward, M., Axford, Y., Schweinsberg, A.D.*, Larsen, S.H., Westergaard-Nielsen, A., Luetzenburg, G., Briner, J.P., Kjeldsen, K.K., Bjørk, A.A. (2024). Greenland–wide accelerated retreat of land–based glaciers in the twenty–first century. Nature Climate Change 13, 1324–1328. [pdf]
Briner, J.P., Svendsen, J.I., Mangerud, J., Linge, H., Gyllencreutz, R., Dahl, S.O., Fabel, D. (2023). The configuration of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet in southern Norway during the Younger Dryas. Norwegian Journal of Geology 103, 202311. [pdf][link to online manuscript]
Graham, B.L.*, Briner, J.P., Young, N.E., Balter-Kennedy, A., Koppes, M., Schaefer, J.M., Poinar, K., Thomas, E.K. (2023). In situ 10Be modeling and terrain analysis constrain subglacial quarrying and abrasion at Jakobshavn Isbrae, Greenland. The Cryosphere 17, 4535–4547. 10.5194/tc-17-4535-2023 [link to online manuscript] [pdf]
Thomas, E.K., Cluett, A.A., Erb, M.P., McKay, N.P., Briner, J.P., Castañeda, I.S., Corcoran, M.C., Cowling, O.C., Gorbey, D.B., Lindberg, K.R., Prince, K.K.*, Salacup, J. (2023). Early Holocene Laurentide Ice Sheet Retreat Influenced Summer Atmospheric Circulation in Baffin Bay. Geophysical Research Letters.50, e2023GL103428. [pdf]
Cicero, E., Poinar, K., Jones-Ivey, R., Petty, A.A., Sperhac, J.M., Patra, A., Briner, J.P. (2023). Firn aquifer water discharges into crevasses across Southeast Greenland. Journal of Glaciology. [pdf]
Briner, J.P., Walcott, C.K.*, Schaefer, J.M., Young, N.E., MacGregor, J.A., Poinar, K., Keisling, B.A., Anandakrishnan, S., Albert, M.R., Kuhl, T., Boeckmann, G. (2022). Drill site selection for cosmogenic-nuclide exposure dating of the bed of the Greenland Ice Sheet. The Cryosphere. [link to manuscrip ][pdf]
Cuzzone, J., Young, N., Morlighem, M., Briner, J.P., and Schlegel, N.-J. (2022). Simulating the Holocene deglaciation across a marine terminating portion of southwestern Greenland in response to marine and atmospheric forcings, The Cryosphere, 16, 2355–2372. 10.5194/tc-16-2355-2022. [link to manuscript] [pdf]
Briner, J.P. 2022. Greenland ice loss rate: How this century compares to the Holocene. Oceanography 35(3–4):128–129, [pdf]
Miller, G.H., Axford, Y., Briner, J.P., Bueltmann, H., Crump, S.E., Francis, D., Frechette, B., Gorbey, D., Kelly, M.A., McFarlin, J., Osterberg, E., Raberg, J., Raynolds, M., Sepulveda, J., Thomas, E.K., deWet, G., and Wolfe, A.P. (2022). Last interglacial lake sediments preserved beneath Laurentide and Greenland Ice sheets provide insights into Arctic climate amplification and constrain 130 ka of ice-sheet history. Journal of Quaternary Science, v. 37 (5). 10.1002/jqs.3433. [pdf]
Tulenko, J.P.*, Briner, J.P., Young, N.E., Schaefer, J.M. (2022). A review of the last deglaciation of Alaska including a new 10Be benchmark chronology from the western Alaska range used to test the forcings of polar alpine deglaciation. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 287. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107549. Invited Contribution. [pdf]
Sbarra, C.M.*, Briner, J.P., Graham, B.L.*, Poinar, K., Thomas, E.K., and Young, N.E. (2022). Evidence for a more extensive Greenland Ice Sheet in southwestern Greenland during the Last Glacial Maximum. Geosphere, v. 18 (4), p. 1316–1329. 10.1130/GES02432.1. [link to manuscript] [pdf]
Walcott, C.K.*, Briner, J.P., Baichtal, J.F., Lesnek, A.J., Licciardi, J.M. (2022). A cosmogenic nuclide chronology of Cordilleran Ice Sheet configuration during the Last Glacial Maximum in the northern Alexander Archipelago, Alaska. Geochronology, 4, 191–211, [link to manuscript]
Balter-Kennedy, A., Young, N.E., Briner, J.P., Graham, B.L.*, Schaefer, J.M. (2021). Centennial- and orbital-scale erosion beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet. Journal of Geophysical Research, Earth Surface, 126, e2021JF006429. 10.1029/2021JF006429. [pdf]
Baichtal, J., Lesnek, A., Carlson, R., Schmuck, N., Smith, J., Landwehr, D., and Briner, J.P. (2021). Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Sea level History and Glacial Retreat Interpreted from Shell-bearing Marine Deposits of Southeastern Alaska. Geosphere. doi: 10.1130/GES02359.1 [link to manuscript] [pdf]
Regnéll, C., Briner, J.P., Haflidason, H., Mangerud, J., Svendsen, J.I. (2021). Deglaciation of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet and a Younger Dryas ice cap in the outer Hardangerfjorden area, southwestern Norway. Boreas. 10.1111/bor.12568. [pdf]
Young, N.E., Briner, J.P., Miller, G.H., Lesnek, A.J., Crump, S.E., Pendleton, S.L., Schwartz, R., and Schaefer, J.M. (2021). Pulsebeat of early Holocene glaciation in Baffin Bay from high-resolution beryllium-10 moraine chronologies. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 270. [pdf]
Tulenko, J.P.*, Briner, J.P. and Young, N.E. (2021). Clues from glacier dirt: Dating and mapping glacial deposits since the last Ice Age in the western Alaska Range, AK. Alaska Park Science, v. 20, p. 10-19. [link to free article][pdf]
Crump, S.E., Frechette, B., Power, M., Cutler, S., de Wet, G., Raynolds, M.K., Raberg, J., Briner, J.P., Thomas, E.K., Sepulveda, Shapiro, B., Bunce, M., Miller, G.H. (2021). Ancient plant DNA reveals High Arctic greening during the Last Interglacial. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Vol. 118 No. 13 e2019069118. [pdf]
Funder, S., Sorensen, A.H.L., Larson, N.K., Bjork, A.A., Briner, J.P., Olsen, J., Schomaker, A., and Kjaer, K. (2021). Younger Dryas ice-margin retreat in Greenland, new evidence from Southwest Greenland. Climate of the Past. v. 17, p. 587–601. [link to article]
Allan, E., de Vernal, A., Seidenkrantz, M.-S., Briner, J.P., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Pearce, C., Meire, L., Roy, H., Mathiasen, A.M., Nielsen, M.T., Plesner, J.L., Perner, K. (2021). Insolation vs. meltwater control of productivity and sea surface conditions off SW Greenland during the Holocene. Boreas. 10.1111/bor.12514 [pdf]
Young, N.E., Lesnek, A.J. Cuzzone, J.K., Briner, J.P., Badgeley, J.A.,Balter-Kennedy, A., Graham, B.L., Cluett, A., Lamp, J.L., Schwartz, R., Tuna, T., Bard, E., Caffee, M.W., Zimmerman, S.R.H., and Schaefer, J.M. (2021). Cosmogenic isotope measurements from recently deglaciated bedrock as a new tool to decipher changes in Greenland Ice Sheet size. Climate of the Past, v. 17, p. 419–450. [link to article]
Steen, D.P., Stoner, J.S., Briner, J.P., Kaufman, D.S. (2021). 21,000 year sediment sequence from Cascade Lake, north-central Brooks Range, Arctic Alaska. Geochronology. Discussions paper [link]. NOT PEER REVIEWED
Sperhac, J.M., Poinar, K., Jones-Ivey, R., Briner, J.P., Csatho, B., Nowicki, S., Simon, E., Larour, E., Quinn, J., and Patra, A. (2020). GHub: Building a Glaciology Gateway to Unify a Community. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. 2020;e6130. 10.1002/cpe.6130 [pdf]
Briner, J.P., Cuzzone, J.K., Badgeley, J.A., Young, N.E., Steig, E.J., Morlighem, M., Schlegel, N.-J., Hakim, G.J., Schaefer, J., Johnson, J.V., Lesnek, A.J.*, Thomas, E.K., Allan, E., Bennike, O., Cluett, A.A Csatho, B., de Vernal, A., Downs, J., Larour, E., Nowicki, S. (2020). Rate of mass loss from the Greenland Ice Sheet will exceed Holocene values this century. Nature, v. 586, p. 70-74. [link to view][link to article]
Tulenko, J P.*, Caffee, W.*, Schweinsberg, A.D.*, Briner, J P., Leonard, E. M. (2020). Delayed and rapid deglaciation of alpine valleys in the Sawatch Range, southern Rocky Mountains, USA. Geochronology, v. 2, p. 245-255. [link]
Rice, J.M., Ross, M., Paulen, R.C., Kelley, S.E. and Briner, J.P. (2020). A GIS-based multi-proxy analysis of the evolution of subglacial dynamics of the Quebec-Labrador ice dome, northeastern Quebec, Canada. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 10.1002/esp.4957 [pdf]
Crump, S.E., Young, N.E., Miller, G.H., Pendleton, S.L., Tulenko, J.P.*, Anderson, R.S. and Briner, J.P. (2020). Glacier expansion on Baffin Island during early Holocene cold reversals. Quaternary Science Reviews, vol. 241. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106419 [pdf]
Young, N.E., Briner, J.P., Schaefer, J.M., Miller, G.H., Lesnek, A.J., Crump, S.E., Thomas, E.K., Pendleton, S.L., Cuzzone, J., Lamp, J., Zimmerman, S., Caffee, M. (2020). Reply to Carlson (2020) comment on "Deglaciation of the Greenland and Laurentide ice sheets interrupted by glacier advance during abrupt coolings." Quaternary Science Reviews. 10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106329 [pdf] [comment]
Lesnek, A.J.*, Briner, J.P., Baichtal, J.F., and Lyles, A.S. (2020). New constraints on the Latest Pleistocene retreat of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet in southern Southeast Alaska. Quaternary Research. 1-21. 10.1017/qua.2020.32 [pdf]
Schweinsberg, A.D.*, Briner, J.P., Licciardi, J.M., Shroba, R.R., and Leonard, E.M. (2020). Cosmogenic 10Be exposure dating of Bull Lake and Pinedale moraine sequences in the Upper Arkansas valley, Colorado Rocky Mountains, U.S.A. Quaternary Research. DOI: 10.1017/qua.2020.21. [pdf]
Palacios, D., Stokes, C.R., Phillips, F.M., Clague, J.J., Alcala-Reygosa, J., Andres, N., Angel, I., Blard, P.-H., Briner, J.P., Hall, B.L., Dahms, D., Hein, A.S., Jomelli, V., Mark, B.G., Martini, M.A., Moreno, P., Riedel, J., Sagredo, E., Stansell, N.D., Vazquez-Selem, L., Vuille, M., and Ward, D.J. (2020). The deglaciation of the Americas during the Last Glacial Termination. Earth Science Reviews, v. 203. [pdf]
Dalton, A.S, and MOCA authors (2020). An updated ice margin chronology for the last deglaciation of the North American Ice Sheet Comple. Quaternary Science Reviews, v.234. [pdf] [ice-sheet limit GIS files for ArcGIS here]
Downs, J., Johnson, J., Briner, J.P., Young, N., Lesnek, A.* and Cuzzone, J. (2020). West Greenland ice sheet retreat history reveals elevated precipitation during the Holocene thermal maximum. The Cryosphere Discussions. [pdf]
Tulenko, J.P.*, Lofverstrom, M. and Briner, J.P. (2020). Ice sheet influence on atmospheric circulation explains the patterns of Pleistocene alpine glacier records in North America. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. [pdf]
Lesnek, A.J.*, Briner, J.P., Young, N.E., and Cuzzone, J.K. (2020). Maximum Southwest Greenland Ice Sheet recession in the early Holocene. Geophysical Research Letters. [pdf]
Young, N.E., Briner, J.P., Miller, G.H., Crump, S.E., Lesnek, A.J., Thomas, E.K., Pendleton, S.L., Zimmerman, S., Caffee, M., Lamp, J., and Schaefer, J.M. (2020). Deglaciation of the Greenland and Laurentide ice sheets interrupted by glacier advance during abrupt coolings. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 229. [pdf]
Graham, B.L.*, Briner, J.P., Schweinsberg, A.D.*, Lifton, N.A. and Bennike, O. (2019). New in situ 14C data suggest the absence of nunataks in West Greenland during the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 225. [pdf]
Overeem, I., Briner, J.P., Kettner, A.J., Syvitski, J.P.M., 2019. High-latitude valley fills: A case-study of Clyde fjordhead, Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. In: C.M. Fraticelli, A.W. Martinius, P. Markwick, J.R. Suter (Eds.) Latitudinal Controls on Stratigraphic Models and Sedimentary Concepts. Society for Sedimentary Geology Spec. Publ. 108, 93-106. [pdf]
Rice, J.M., Ross, M., Paulen, R.C., Kelley, S.E., Briner, J.P., Neudorf, C.M., Lian, O.B. (2019). Refining the ice flow chronology and subglacial dynamics of the migrating Labrador Divide of the Laurentide Ice Sheet with age constraints on deglaciation. Journal of Quaternary Science. 1-17. [pdf]
Schweinsberg, A.D*., Briner, J.P., Licciardi, J.M., Bennike, O., Lifton, N.A., Graham, B.L.*, Young, N.E., Schaefer, J.M., and Zimmerman, S.H. (2019). Multiple independent records of local glacier variability on Nuussuaq, West Greenland, during the Holocene. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 215, p. 253-271. [pdf]
Young, N.E., Briner, J.P., Schaefer, J., Zimmerman, S., Finkel, R.C. (2019). Early Younger Dryas glacier culmination in southern Alaska: Implications for North Atlantic climate change during the last deglaciation. Geology. [pdf]
Cuzzone, J.K., Schlegel, N.-J., Morlighem, M., Larour, E., Briner, J.P., Serousi, H., and Caron, L. (2019). The impact of model resolution on the simulated Holocene retreat of the southwestern Greenland Ice Sheet using the Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM). The Cryosphere, v. 13, 879-892. [pdf]
Valentine, G.A., Briner, J.P., van Wyk de Vries, B., Macorps, É., and Gump, D.* (2019). 10Be exposure ages for the late Pleistocene Gour de Tazenat maar (Chaîne des Puy volcanic field, Auvergne, France). Quaternary Geochronology, v. 50, p. 8-13.[pdf]
Briner, J.P., Porter, S.C. (2018). Neoglaciation in the American Cordilleras. In: Elias, S.A. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science. Elsevier, Oxford. [pdf]
Thomas, E.K., Castañeda, I.S., McKay, N.P., Briner, J.P., Salacup, J.M., Nguyen, K.Q., Schweinsberg, A.D. (2018). A wetter Arctic coincident with hemispheric warming 8000 years ago. Geophysical Research Letters, 2018GL079517. [pdf]
Young, N.E., Lamp, J., Koffman, T., Briner, J.P., Schaefer, J., Gjermundsen, E.F., Linge, H., Zimmerman, S., Guilderson, T.P., Fabel, D. and Hormes, A. (2018). Deglaciation of coastal southwestern Spitsbergen dated with in situ cosmogenic 10Be and 14C measurements. Journal of Quaternary Science, v. 33, p. 763-776. [pdf]
Schweinsberg, A.D*., Briner, J.P., Miller, G.H., Lifton, N.A., Bennike, O., and Graham, B.L.* (2018). Holocene mountain glacier history in the Sukkertoppen Iskappe area, Southwest Greenland. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 197, p. 142-161. [pdf]
Tulenko, J.P.*, Briner, J.P., Young, N.E., and Schaefer, J. (2018). Beryllium-10 chronology of early and late Wisconsinan moraines in the Revelation Mountains, Alaska. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 197, p. 129-141. [pdf]
Briner, J.P., and Hormes, A. (2018). 10Be dating the last deglaciation of Bjørnøya, Svalbard. Arktos, v. 4: 17. [pdf]
Kelley, S., Briner, J.P., O'Hara, S. (2018). Assessing ice margin fluctuations on differing timescales: Chronological constraints from Sermeq Kujatdleq and Nordenskiöld Gletscher, central West Greenland. The Holocene, v. 28, p. 1160-1172. [pdf]
Lesnek, A.J.*, Briner, J.P., Lindqvist, C., Baichtal, J.F., and Heaton, T.H. (2018). Deglaciation of the Pacific coastal corridor and the human colonization of the Americas. Science Advances, v. 4, no. 5, eaar5040. [pdf]
Porreca, C.*, Briner, J.P., Kozlowski, A. (2018). Laurentide Ice Sheet meltwater routing along the Mohawk River, eastern New York, USA. Geomorphology, v. 303, p. 155-161.[pdf]
Lesnek, A.J.*, Briner, J.P. (2018). Response of a land-terminating sector of the western Greenland Ice Sheet to early Holocene climate change: Evidence from 10Be dating in the Søndre Isortoq region. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 180, p. 145-156. [pdf]
Philipps, W.*, Briner, J.P., Bennike, O., Schweinsberg, A*., Beel, C., Lifton, N. (2018). Earliest Holocene deglaciation of the central Uummannaq Fjord system, West Greenland. Boreas, v. 47, p. 311-325. [pdf]
Greenland Workshop White Paper: Briner, J.P., Alley, R.B., Bender, M.L., Csatho, B., Poinar, K. and Schaefer, J.M., with input by Axford, Y., Born, A., Hatfield, R., Jennings, A.J., Keisling, B., Kelly, M., Langebroek, P., Miller, G.H., Morlighem, M., Osterberg, E.C., Otto-Bliesner, B., Robel, A. and Young, N.E. (2017) How Stable is the Greenland Ice Sheet? - A white paper produced by the participants of an NSF-supported workshop. Buffalo, NY, September 10-12. [pdf]
O'Hara, S.L.*, Briner, J.P., and Kelley, S.E.* (2017). Early Holocene alpine glacier and ice sheet moraines in central West Greenland deposited in tandem with Laurentide Ice Sheet meltwater events. Boreas, v. 46, p. 655-666. [pdf]
Leonard, E.M., Laabs, B.J.C., Schweinsberg, A.D.*, Russell, C.M., Briner, J.P., and Young, N.E. (2017). Deglaciation of the Colorado Rocky Mountains following the Last Glacial Maximum. Cuadernos de Investigacíon Geográfica, v. 43, p. 497-526. [pdf]
Briner, J.P., Tulenko, J.P.*, Kaufman, D.S., Young, N.E., Baichtal, J.F., and Lesnek, A.J.* (2017). The last deglaciation of Alaska. Cuadernos de Investigacíon Geográfica, v. 43, p. 429-448. [pdf]
Philipps, W.*, Briner, J.P., Gislefoss, L., Koffman, T., Fabel, D., Xu, S., and Hormes, A. (2017a). Late Holocene glacier activity at inner Hornsund and Scottbreen, southern Svalbard. Journal of Quaternary Science, v. 32, p. 201-515. [pdf]
Mangerud, J., Briner, J.P., Goslar, T., and Svendsen, J.I. (2017). The Bølling-age blomvåg Beds, Western Norway: Implications for the Older Dryas glacial re-advance and the age of deglaciation. Boreas, v. 46, p. 162-184. [pdf]
Valentine, G.A., Cortes, J.A., Widom, E., Smith, E.I., Rosoazanamparany, C., Johnsen, R., Briner, J.P., Harp, A.G., and Turrin, B. (2017). Lunar Crater Volcanic Field (Reveille and Pancake Ranges, Basin and Range Provience, Nevada, USA. Geosphere, v. 13, p. 391-438. [pdf]
Schweinsberg, A.D.*, Briner, J.P., Miller, G.H., Bennike, O., and Thomas, E.K. (2017). Local glaciation in West Greenland linked to North Atlantic Ocean circulation during the Holocene. Geology, v. 45, p. 195-198. [pdf]
Pendleton, S.L..*, Briner, J.P., Kaufman, D.S., and Zimmerman, S. (2017). Using cosmogenic 10Be exposure dating and lichenometry to constrain Holocene glaciation in the central Brooks Range, Alaska. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research, v. 49, p. 115-132. [pdf]
Gump, D.J.*, Briner, J.P., Mangerud, J., and Svendsen, J.I. (2017). The deglaciation of Boknafjorden, southwestern Norway. Journal of Quaternary Science, v. 32, p. 80-90. [pdf]
Young, N.E., Briner, J.P., Maurer, J., and Schaefer, J.M. (2016). 10Be measurements in bedrock constrain erosion beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet margin. Geophysical Research Letters, v. 43, doi:10.1002/2016GL070258. [pdf]
Schaefer, J.M., Finkel, R., Balco, G., Alley, R.B., Caffee, M., Briner, J.P., Young, N.E., Gow, A.J., and Schwartz, R. (2016). GISP2 bedrock reveals extended periods of ice-free Greenland during the Pleistocene. Nature, v. 540, p. 252-255. [pdf]
Briner, J.P., Goehring, B., Mangerud, J., and Svendsen, J.I. (2016). The deep accumulation of 10Be at Utsira, southwestern Norway: Implications for cosmogenic nuclide exposure dating in peripheral ice sheet landscapes. Geophysical Research Letters, v. 43, doi:10.1002/2016GL070100. [pdf]
Schweinsberg, A.D.*, Briner, J.P., Shroba, R.R., Licciardi, J.M., Leonard, E.M., and Brugger, K.A. (2016). Pinedale glacial history of the upper Arkansas River valley: New moraine chronologies, modeling results, and geologic mapping. The Geological Society of America Field Guide 44, p. 335-353. [pdf]
Briner, J.P., McKay, N.P., Axford, Y., Bennike, O., Bradley, R.S., de Vernal, A., Fisher, D., Francus, P., Fréchette, B., Gajewski, K., Jennings, A., Kaufman, D.S., Miller, G.H., Rouston, C., and Wagner, B. (2016). Holocene climate change in Arctic Canada and Greenland. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 147, p. 340-364. [pdf]
Cronauer, S.L.*, Briner, J.P., Kelley, S.E.*, Zimmerman, S.R.H., and Morlighem, M. (2016). 10Be dating reveals early-Holocene age of the Drygalski Moraines in central West Greenland. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 147, p. 59-68. [pdf]
Beel, C.R., Lifton, N.A., Briner, J.P., and Goehring, B.M. (2016). Quaternary evolution and ice sheet history of contrasting landscapes in Uummannaq and Sukkertoppen, western Greenland. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 149, p. 248-258. [pdf]
Thomas, E.K., Briner, J.P., Ryan-Henry, J., and Huang, Y. (2016). A major increase in winter snowfall during the middle Holocene on western Greenland caused by reduced sea ice in Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea. Geophysical Research Leters, v. 43, doi:10.1002/2016GL068513. [pdf]
Briner, J.P. (2016). Ice streams waned as ice sheets shrank. Nature News & Views, v. 530, p. 287-288. (non peer-reviewed). [pdf]
Young, N.E., Schweinsberg, A.D*., Briner, J.P., and Schaefer, J.M. (2015). Glacier maxima in Baffin Bay during the Medieval warm period coeval with Norse settlement. Science Advances, v. 1, no. 11, e1500806. [pdf]
Gjermundsen, E.F., Briner, J.P., Akcar, N., Foros, J., Kubik, P.W., Salvigsen, O., Hormes, A. (2015). Minimal erosion of Arctic alpine topography during late Quaternary glaciation. Nature Geoscience, v.8 , p. 789-793. [pdf]
Kelley, S.E.*, Briner, J.P. and Zimmerman, S. (2015). The influence of ice marginal setting on early Holocene retreat rates in central West Greenland. Journal of Quaternary Science, v. 30, p. 271-280. [pdf]
Pendleton, S.L.*, Ceperley, E.G.*, Briner, J.P., Kaufman, D.S., and Zimmerman, S. (2015). Rapid and early deglaciation in the central Brooks Range, Arctic Alaska. Geology, v. 43, p. 419-422. [pdf]
Young, N.E., Briner, J.P. (2015). Holocene evolution of the western Greenland Ice Sheet: Assessing geophysical ice-sheetmodels with geological reconstructions of ice-margin change. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 114, p. 1-17. [pdf]
Boldt, B.R., Kaufman, D.S., McKay, N.P. and Briner, J.P. (2015). Holocene summer temperature reconstruction from sedimentary chlorophyll content, with treatment of age uncertainties, Kurupa Lake, Arctic Alaska. The Holocene, v. 25, p. 641-650. [pdf]
Svendsen, J.I., Briner, J.P., Mangerud, J., Young, N.E. (2015). Early break-up of the Norwegian Channel Ice Stream during the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 107, p. 231-242. [pdf]
Ivy-Ochs, S., Briner, J.P. (2014). Dating disappearing ice. Elements magazine, v. 10 (October), p. 351-356. [pdf]
Håkansson, L., Briner, J.P., Andresen, C.S., Thomas, E.K., and Bennike, O. (2014). Slow retreat of a land-based sector of the West Greenland Ice Sheet during the Holocene Thermal Maximum: evidence from threshold lakes at Paakitsoq. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 98, p. 74-83. [pdf]
Young, N.E., Schaefer, J.M., Goehring, B., Lifton, N., Schimmelpfenig, I., and Briner, J.P. (2014). West Greenland and global in situ 14C production-rate calibrations. Journal of Quaternary Science, v. 29, p. 401-406. [pdf]
Briner, J.P., Svendsen, J.I., Mangerud, J., Lohne, Ø.S., Young, N.E. (2014). A 10Be chronology of the southwestern Scandinavian Ice Sheet history during the Late Glacial period. Journal of Quaternary Science, v. 29, p. 370-380. [pdf]
Sundqvist, H.S., Kaufman, D.S., McKay, N.P., Balascio, N.L., Briner, J.P., Cwynar, L.C., Sejrup, H.P., Seppä, H., Subetto, D.A., Andrews, J.T., Axford, Y., Bakke, J., Birks, H.J.B., Brooks, S.J., de Vernal, A., Jennings, A., Ljungqvist, F.C., Ruhland, K., Saenger, C., Smol, J.P., and Viau, A. (2014). Arctic Holocene proxy climate database - New approaches to assessing geochronological accuracy and encoding climate variables. Climate of the Past, v. 10, p. 1605-1631. [pdf]
Briner, J.P., Kaufman, D.S., Bennike, O., and Kosnik, M.A. (2014). Amino acid ratios in reworked marine bivalve shells constrain Greenland Ice Sheet history during the Holocene. Geology, v. 42, p. 75-78. [pdf]
Briner, J.P., Lifton, N.A., Miller, G.H., Refsnider, K., Anderson, R., and Finkel, R. (2014). Using in-situ cosmogenic 10Be, 14C, and 26Al to decipher the history of polythermal ice sheets on Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. Quaternary Geochronology, v. 19, p. 4-13. [pdf]
Briner, J.P., Håkansson, L., and Bennike, O. (2013). The deglaciation and neoglaciation of Upernavik Isstrom, Greenland. Quaternary Research, v. 80, p. 459-467. [pdf]
Kelley, S.E.*, Briner, J.P., and Young, N.E. (2013). Rapid ice retreat in Disko Bugt supported by 10Be dating of the last recession of the western Greenland Ice Sheet. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 82, p. 13-22. [pdf]
Miller, G.H., Briner, J.P., Refsnider, K.A., Lehman, S.J., Geirsdottir, A., Larsen, D.J., and Southon, J.R. (2013). Substantial agreement on the timing and magnitude of Late Holocene ice cap expansion between East Greenland and the Eastern Canadian Arctic: a commentary on Lowell et al., 2013. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 77, p. 239-245. [pdf]
Young, N.E., Schaefer, J.M., Briner, J.P., and Goehring, B.M. (2013). A precise 10Be production-rate calibration for the Arctic. Journal of Quaternary Science, v. 28, p. 515-526. [pdf]
Gjermundsen, E.F., Briner, J.P., Akcar, N., Salvigsen, O., Kubik, P.W., Gantert, N. and Hormes, A. (2013). Late Weichselian local ice dome configuration and chronology in northwestern Svalbard, early thinning, late retreat. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 72, p. 112-127. [pdf]
Badding, M.E.*, Briner, J.P., Kaufman, D.S. (2013). 10Be ages of late Pleistocene deglaciation and Neoglaciation in the north-central Brooks Range, Arctic Alaska. Journal of Quaternary Science, v. 28, p. 95-102. [pdf]
Young, N.E.*, Briner, J.P., Rood, D., Finkel, R., Corbett, L., and Bierman, P. (2013). The Fjord Stade moraines in western Greenland and early Holocene abrupt climate change. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 60, p. 76-90. [pdf]
Wolfe, A.P., Hobbs, W.O., Birks, H.H., Briner, J.P., and 6 others (2013). Stratigraphic expressions of the Holocene-Anthropocene transition revealed in sediments from remote lakes. Earth Science Reviews, v. 116, p. 17-34. [pdf]
Axford, Y., Losee, S.*, Briner, J.P., Francis, D., Langdon, P. and Walker, I. (2013). Holocene temperature history at the western Greenland Ice Sheet margin reconstructed from lake sediments. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 59, p. 87-100. [pdf]
Kelley, S.E.*, Briner, J.P., Young, N.E.*, Babonis, G.S.*, and Csatho, B. (2012). Maximum late Holocene extent of the western Greenland Ice Sheet during the late 20th century. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 56, p. 89-98. [pdf]
Young, N.*, Briner, J.P., Rood, D., and Finkel, R. (2012). Glacier extent during the Younger Dryas and 8.2 ka event on Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. Science, v. 337, p. 1330-1333. [pdf]
Cooke, C.A., Wolfe, A.P., Michelutti, N., Balcom, P.H. and Briner, J.P. (2012). A Holocene perspective on algal mercury scavenging to sediments of an Arctic lake. Environmental Science and Technology, v. 26, p. 7135-7141. [pdf]
Thomas, E.K., McGrane, S.*, Briner, J.P., and Huang, Y. (2012). Leaf was dD and varve thickness climate proxies from arctic proglacial lake sediments. Journal of Paleolimnology, v. 48, p. 193-207. [pdf]
Briner, J.P., Young, N.E.*, Goehring, B.M., Schaefer, J.M. (2012). Constraining Holocene 10Be production rates in Greenland. Journal of Quaternary Science, v. 27, p. 2-6. [pdf]
Wilson, C.R., Michelutti, N., Cooke, C.A., Briner, J.P., Wolfe, A.P., and Smol, J.P. (2012). Arctic lake ontogeny across multiple interglaciations. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 31, p. 112-126. [pdf]
Young, N.E.*, Briner, J.P., Axford, Y., Csatho, B., Babonis, G.S.*, Rood, D.H., and Finkel, R.C. (2011). Response of a marine-terminating Greenland outlet glacier to abrupt cooling 8200 and 9300 years ago. Geophysical Research Letters, v. 38, L24701. [pdf]
Håkansson, L., Briner, J.P., Aldahan, A., and Possnert, G. (2011). 10Be and 26Al data from meltwater channels on Jameson Land, east Greenland: implications for the late Pleistocene glaciation history. Quaternary Research, v. 76, p. 452-459. [pdf]
Briner, J.P., Young, N.E.*, Thomas, E.K., Stewart, H.A.M.*, Losee, S.*, and Truex, S.** (2011). Varve and radiocarbon dating support the rapid advance of Jakobshavn Isbrae during the Little Ice Age. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 30, p. 2476-2486. [pdf]
Kaufman, D.S., Young, N.E.*, Briner, J.P., and Manley, W.F. (2011). Alaska PaleoGlacier Atlas version 2. in Ehlers, J., and Gibbard, P.L., eds., Quaternary Glaciations - Extent and Chronology: North America. Developments in Quaternary Science. [pdf]
Axford, Y., Briner, J.P., Francis, D.R., Miller, G.H., Walker, I.R., and Wolfe, A.P. (2011). Chironomids record terrestrial temperature changes throughout arctic interglacials of the past 200,000 years. Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 123, p. 1275-1287. [pdf]
Corbett, L.B., Young, N.E., Bierman, P.R., Briner, J.P., Neumann, T.A., Graly, J.A., and Rood, D.H. (2011). 10Be concentrations in bedrock and boulder samples resulting from early Holocene ice retreat near Jakobshavn Isfjord, western Greenland. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 30, p. 1739-1749. [pdf]
Thomas, E.K., Briner, J.P., Axford, Y., and Miller, G.H. (2011). A 2000-year-long multi-proxy lacustrine record from eastern Baffin Island, Arctic Canada reveals first millennium AD cold period. Quaternary Research, v. 75, p. 491-500. [pdf]
Briner, J.P. (2011). Dating Glacial Landforms. In: V.P. Singh, P. Singh, U.K. Haritashya (eds). Encylcopedia of Snow, Ice and Glaciers. Springer. [pdf]
Young, N.E.*, Briner, J.P., Leonard, E.M., Licciardi, J.M., and Lee, K. (2011). Assessing climatic and non-climatic forcing of Pinedale glaciation and deglaciation in the western US. Geology, v. 39, p. 171-174. [pdf]
Young, N.E.*, Briner, J.P., Stewart, H.A.M.*, Axford, Y., Csatho, B., Rood, D.H., and Finkel, R.C. (2011). The response of Jakobshavn Isbrae to Holocene climate change. Geology, v. 39, p. 131-134. [pdf]
Briner, J.P., Stewart, H.A.M.*, Young, N.E.*, Philipps, W.**, and Losee, S.* (2010). Using proglacial-threshold lakes to constrain fluctuations of the Jakobshavn Isbrae ice margin, western Greenland, during the Holocene. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 29, p. 3861-3874. [pdf]
McCalpin, J.P., Briner, J.P., Young, N.E., Leonard, E. and Ruleman, C. (2010). Quaternary geology and geochronology of the uppermost Arkansas Valley - glaciers, ice dams, landslides, floods. Geological Soceity of America Field Trip 405. [pdf]
Matmon, A., Briner, J.P., Carver, G., Bierman, P., and Finkel, R. (2010). Moraine chronosequence of the Donnelly Dome region, Alaska: Implications for the late Pleistocene glacial history of interior Alaska. Quaternary Research, v. 74, p. 63-72. [pdf]
Thomas, E.K.*, Szymanksi, J.S.*, and Briner, J.P. (2010). The evolution of Holocene alpine glaciation inferred from lacustrine sediments on northeastern Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. Journal of Quaternary Science, v. 25, p. 146-161. [pdf]
Axford, Y., Briner, J.P., Cooke, C., Francis, D., Michelutti, N., Miller, G., Smol, J., Thomas, E.*, Wilson, C., and Wolfe, A.P. (2009). Recent changes in a remote Arctic lake are unique within the past 200,000 years. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, v. 106, p. 18,443-18,446. [pdf]
Young, N.E.*, Briner, J.P., and Kaufman, D.S. (2009). Late Pleistocene and Holocene glaciation of the Fish Lake valley, northeastern Alaska Range, Alaska. Journal of Quaternary Science, v. 24, p. 677-689. [pdf]
Michelutti, N., Simonetti, A., Briner, J.P., Funder, S., Creaser, R., and AWolfe, A.P. (2009). Temporal trends of pollution Pb and other metals in east-central Baffin Island inferred from lake sediment geochemistry. Science of the Total Envrionment, v. 407, p. 5653-5662. [pdf]
Kaufman, D.S., Schneider, D.P., McKay, N.P., Ammann, C.M., Bradley, R.S., Briffa K.R., Miller, G.H., Otto-Bliesner, B.L., Overpeck, J.T., Vinther, B.M., Arctic Lakes 2k Project Members (Abbott, M., Axford, Y., Bird, B., Birks, H.J.B., Bjune, A.E., Briner, J., Cook, T., Chipman, M., Francus, P., Gajewski, K., Geirsdóttir, Á., Hu, F.S., Kutchko, B., Lamoureux, S., Loso, M., MacDonald, G., Peros, M., Porinchu, D., Schiff, C., Seppä, H., Thomas, E.K.*) (2009) Recent warming reverses long-term Arctic cooling. Science, v. 325, p. 1236-1239. [pdf]
Briner, J.P., Davis, P.T., and Miller, G.H. (2009). Latest Pleistocene and Holocene glaciation of Baffin Island: Key patterns and chronologies. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 28, p. 2075-2087. [pdf]
Hess, D.*, Briner, J.P. (2009). Geospatial analysis of controls on subglacial bedform morphometry in the New York Drumlin Field. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, v. 34, p. 1126-1135. [pdf]
Briner, J.P., Bini, A.C.*, and Anderson, R.S. (2009). Rapid early Holocene retreat of a Laurentide outlet glacier through an Arctic fjord. Nature Geoscience, v. 2, p. 496-499. [pdf]
Briner, J.P. (2009). Moraine pebbles and boulders yield indistinguishable 10Be ages: A case study from Colorado, USA. Quaternary Geochronology, v. 4, p. 299-305. [pdf]
Håkansson, L.*, Alexanderson, H., Hjort, H., Möller, C., Briner, J.P., Aldahan, A. and Possnert, G. (2009). The late Pleistocene glacial history of Jameson Land, central East Greenland derived from cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al exposure dating. Boreas, v. 38, p. 244-260. [pdf]
Ward, D.J., Anderson, R.S., Guido, Z.S., and Briner, J.P. (2009). Cosmogenic signatures of glacial erosion and retreat, Front Range and San Juan Mountains, Colorado. Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 114, F01026. [pdf]
Axford, Y., Briner, J.P., Miller, G.H., and Francis, D.R. (2009). Paleoecological evidence for abrupt cold reversals during peak Holocene warmth on Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. Quaternary Research, v. 71, p. 142-149. [pdf]
Balco, G., Briner, J.P., Finkel, R.C., Rayburn, J., Ridge, J.C., and Schaefer, J.M. (2009). Regional beryllium-10 production rate calibration for late-glacial northeastern North America. Quaternary Geochronology, v. 4, p. 93-107. [pdf]
Thomas, E.K.* and Briner, J.P. (2009). Climate of the past millennium inferred from varved proglacial lake sediments on northeast Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. Journal of Paleolimnology, v. 41, p. 209-224. [pdf]
Owen, L. A., Thackray, G., Anderson, R.S., Briner, J.P., Kaufman, D.S., Roe, G., Pfeffer, W., Yi, C. (2009). Integrated mountain glacier research: current status, priorities and future prospects. Geomorphology, v. 103, p. 158-171. [pdf]
Briner, J.P., and Kaufman, D.S. (2008). Late Pleistocene mountain glaciation in Alaska: Key chronologies. Journal of Quaternary Science, v. 23, p. 659-670. [pdf]
Thomas, E.K.*, Axford, Y., and Briner, J.P. (2008). Rapid 20th century environmental change on northeastern Baffin Island, Arctic Canada inferred from a multi-proxy lacustrine record. Journal of Paleolimnology, v. 40, p. 507-517. [pdf]
Kessler, M.A., Anderson, R.S., and Briner, J.P. (2008). Fjord insertion into continental margins driven by topographic steering of ice. Nature Geoscience, v. 1, p. 365-369. [pdf]
Briner, J.P., Miller, G.H., Finkel, R., and Hess, D.P. (2008). Glacial erosion at the fjord onset zone and implications for the organization of ice flow on Baffin Island. Geomorphology, v. 97, p. 126-134. [pdf]
Anderson, R.K., Miller, G.H., Briner, J.P., Lifton, N.A. and DeVogel, S.B. (2008). A millennial perspective on Arctic warming from 14C in quartz and plants emerging beneath ice caps. Geophysical Research Letters, v. 35, L01502. [pdf]
Stokes, P.J., Baker, G.S., Briner, J.P., and Dorsey, D.J. (2007). A multifaceted outreach model for enhancing diversity in the geosciences. Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 55, p. 581-588. [pdf]
Gregg, T.K.P., Briner, J.P., and Paris, K.N.** (2007). Ice-rich terrain in Gusev Crater, Mars? Icarus, v. 192, p. 348-360. [pdf]
Håkansson, L.*, Briner, J.P., Alexanderson, H., Aldahan, A., and Possnert, G. (2007). 10Be ages from coastal northeast Greenland constrain the extent of the Greenland Ice Sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 26, p. 2316-2321. [pdf]
Briner, J.P., Axford, Y., Forman, S.L., Miller, G.H., and Wolfe, A.P. (2007). Multiple generations of interglacial lake sediment preserved beneath the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Geology, v. 35, p. 887-890. [pdf]
Michelutti, N., Wolfe, A.P., Briner, J.P., and Miller, G.H. (2007). Climate shapes the chemical and biological development of arctic lakes. Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 112, G03002, doi: 10.1029/2006JG000396. [pdf]
Briner, J.P. (2007). Supporting evidence from the New York drumlin field that elongate subglacial bedforms indicate fast ice flow. Boreas 36, 143-147. [pdf]
Briner, J.P., Overeem, I., Miller, G.H., and Finkel, R. (2007). The deglaciation of Clyde Inlet, northeastern Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. Journal of Quaternary Science 22, 223-232. [pdf]
Briner, J.P., Gosse, J.C., and Bierman, P.R. (2006). Applications of cosmogenic nuclides to Laurentide Ice Sheet history and dynamics. In: In Situ-Produced Cosmogenic Nuclides and Quantification of Geologic Processes (L. Siame, Ed.). Geological Society of America Special Paper 415, p. 29-41. [pdf]
Miller, G.H., Briner, J.P., Lifton, N.A., and Finkel, R.C. (2006). Limited ice-sheet erosion and complex exposure histories derived from in situ cosmogenic 10Be, 26Al and 14C on Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. Quaternary Geochronology 1, 74-85. [pdf]
Briner, J.P., Michelutti, N., Francis, D.R., Miller, G.H., Axford, Y., Wooller, M.J., and Wolfe, A.P. (2006). A multi-proxy lacustrine record of Holocene climate change on northeastern Baffin Island. Quaternary Research 65, 431-442. [pdf]
Briner, J.P., Miller, G.H., Davis, P.T., and Finkel, R.C. (2006). Cosmogenic radionuclides from fiord landscapes support differential erosion by overriding ice sheets. Geological Society of America Bulletin 118, 406-420. [pdf]
Davis, P.T., Briner, J.P., Coulthard, R.D., Finkel, R.C., and Miller, G.H. (2006). Preservation of arctic landscapes overridden by cold-based ice sheets. Quaternary Research 65, 156-163. [pdf]
Balascio, N.L., Kaufman, D.S., Briner, J.P., and Manley, W.F. (2005). Late Pleistocene glacial geology of the Okpilak-Kongakut Rivers region, northeastern Brooks Range, Alaska. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 37, 416-424. [pdf]
Michelutti, N., Wolfe, A.P., Vinebrooke, R.D., Rivard, B., and Briner, J.P. (2005). Recent primary production increases in arctic lakes. Geophysical Research Letters 32, L19715. [pdf]
Briner, J.P., Kaufman, D.S., Manley, W.F., Finkel, R.C., and Caffee, M.W. (2005). Cosmogenic exposure dating of late Pleistocene moraine stabilization in Alaska. Geological Society of America Bulletin 117, 1108-1120. [pdf]
Miller, G.H., Wolfe, A.P., Briner, J.P., Sauer, P.E., and Nesje, A. (2005). Holocene glaciation and climate evolution of Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. Quaternary Science Reviews 24, 1703-1721. [pdf]
Briner, J.P., Miller, G.H., Davis, P.T., and Finkel, R. (2005). Cosmogenic exposure dating in arctic glacial landscapes: Implications for the glacial history of northeastern Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 42, 67-84. [pdf]
Kaufman, D.S., Hu, F.S., Briner, J.P., Werner, A., Finney, B.P., and Gregory-Eaves, I. (2003). A ~33,000 year record of environmental change from Arolik Lake, Ahklun Mountains, Alaska. Journal of Paleolimnology 30, 343-362. [pdf]
Briner, J.P., Miller, G.H., Davis, P.T., Bierman, P.R., and Caffee, M. (2003)., Last Glacial Maximum ice sheet dynamics in Arctic Canada inferred from young erratics perched on ancient tors, Quaternary Science Reviews 22, 437-444. [pdf]
Briner, J.P., Kaufman, D S., Werner, A., Caffee, M., Levy, L., Manley, W.F., Kaplan,M.R., and Finkel, R. (2002). Glacier readvance during the late glacal (Younger Dryas?) in the Ahklun Mountains, southwestern Alaska, Geology 30, 679-682. [pdf]
Miller, G.H., Wolfe, A.P., Steig, E.J., Sauer, P.E., Kaplan, M.R., and Briner, J.P. (2002). The Goldilocks dilemma: big ice, little ice, or "just-right" ice in the eastern Canadian Arctic. Quaternary Science Reviews 21, 33-48. [pdf]
Briner, J.P., Swanson, T.W., and Caffee, M. (2001). Late Pleistocene 36Cl chronology of the southwestern Ahklun Mountains, Alaska: Extensive early Wisconsin ice. Quaternary Research 56, 148-154. [pdf]
Manley, W.F., Kaufman, D.S., and Briner, J.P. (2001). Late Quaternary glacier fluctuations in the southern Ahklun Mountains, southeast Beringia - soil development, morphometric, and radiocarbon constraints. Quaternary Science Reviews 20, 353-370. [pdf]
Briner, J.P., and Kaufman, D.S. (2000). Late Pleistocene glaciation of the southwestern Ahklun Mountains, Alaska. Quaternary Research 53, 13-22. [pdf]
Briner, J.P., and Swanson, T.W. (1998). Using inherited cosmogenic 36Cl to constrain glacial erosion rates of the Cordilleran ice sheet, Geology 26, 3-6. [pdf]
field trip guidebooks
Schweinsberg, A.D.*, Briner, J.P., Shroba, R.R., Licciardi, J.M., Leonard, E.M., and Brugger, K.A. (2016). Pinedale glacial history of the upper Arkansas River valley: New moraine chronologies, modeling results, and geologic mapping. The Geological Society of America Field Guide 44, p. 335-353. [pdf]
McCalpin, J.P., Briner, J.P., Young, N.E., Leonard, E. and Ruleman, C. (2010). Quaternary geology and geochronology of the uppermost Arkansas Valley - glaciers, ice dams, landslides, floods. Geological Soceity of America Field Trip 405. [pdf]
Young, R.A. and Briner, J.P. (2006). Quaternary geology and landforms between Buffalo and the Genesee Valley. Field trip guidbook, New York State Geological Association, 78th Annual Meeting, 2006. [pdf]
365. Wilson, L.B.*, Briner, J.P. (2024). Episodic Neoglacial advances of Østtungerne Ice Cap, NE Greenland. 52nd International Arctic Workshop, UMass Amherst.
364. Walcott, C.K.*, Brown, N.D., Briner, J.P., Balter-Kennedy, A., Schaefer, J.M., Young, N.E. (2024). Did Prudhoe Dome, NW Greenland, disappear during the Holocene? 52nd International Arctic Workshop, UMass Amherst.
363. Tulenko, J.P.*, Cuzzone, J., Briner, J.P. (2024). A data model comparison between Holocene Greenland Ice Sheet margin constraints and ISSM. 52nd International Arctic Workshop, UMass Amherst.
362. Elizabeth K. Thomas, Devon B. Gorbey, Hannah L. Holtzman, Michael P. Erb, Jason P. Briner, Isla S. Castañeda, Sarah E. Crump, Darrell Kaufman, Patrick W. Keys, Leah P. Marshall, Nicholas P. McKay, Martin Melles, Gifford H. Miller, Martha K. Raynolds, Jonathan H. Raberg, Jeff Salacup, Julio Sepúlveda (2024). Laurentide ice sheet retreat during two ice-age terminations. 52nd International Arctic Workshop, UMass Amherst.
361. Prince, K.K.*, Walcott, C.K.*, Briner, J.P. (2024). Exploring deglaciation in NW Greenland using relative sea level curves and cosmogenic nuclide dating. 52nd International Arctic Workshop, UMass Amherst.
360. Martinez, H.*, Briner, J.P. (2024). Glacial erosion vs. Protection in coastal Norway: New 10Be data. 52nd International Arctic Workshop, UMass Amherst.
359. Lasker, M.**, Briner, J.P. (2024). Mapping Laurentide Ice Sheet positions in central New York using lidar. Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section Meeting, Manchester, New Hampshire.
358. Maxson, G.E.**, Prince, K.K.*, Briner, J.P., Thomas, E.K., Topness, R.G.* (2024). Sediment cores from a rare lake in western New York: A first look. Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section Meeting, Manchester, New Hampshire.
357. Walcott, C.K.*, Brown, N.D., Prince, K.K.*, Briner, J.P. (2024). Can the ice-sheet chronology in western New York be improved with infrared stimulated luminescence dating? Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section Meeting, Manchester, New Hampshire.
356. Eberhardt, H.**, Briner, J.P. (2024). Re-mapping late Pleistocene shorelines in the Lake Erie basin using lidar. Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section Meeting, Manchester, New Hampshire.
355. Sophie A Goliber*, Jason P Briner, Sophie Nowicki, Beata M Csatho, Renette Jones-Ivey, Joseph P Tulenko, William H Lipscomb, Abani K Patra, Kristin Poinar, Justin Quinn, Anton F Schenk and Katherine Thayer-Calder (2023). Empowering collaboration and advancing ice sheet science through open-source tool sharing (Invited). American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco.
354. Allie Balter-Kennedy, Joerg M Schaefer, Jason P Briner, Nicolas E. Young, Caleb Walcott*, Tanner Kuhl, Elliot Moravec, Benjamin Andrew Keisling, Sridhar Anandakrishnan, Nathan Stevens and Nathan Brown (2023). First Results from GreenDrill: Exposure dating in sub-ice material from Prudhoe Dome, northwestern Greenland. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco.
353. Jason P Briner, Caleb Walcott*, Elliot Moravec, Alexandra Balter-Kennedy, Nathan Brown, Nicolas E. Young, Tanner Kuhl and Joerg Schaefer (2023). Holocene ice-sheet history at the Prudhoe Dome margin, NW Greenland: Samples for exposure dating (CRN and OSL) beneath and beyond the ice margin. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco.
352. Caleb Walcott*, Jason P Briner, Joerg M Schaefer, Nicolas E Young, Allie Balter-Kennedy and Nathan Brown (2023). Ancient landscapes in Inglefield Land, northwest Greenland were preserved during Last Glacial Maximum ice cover. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco.
351. Sophie A Goliber*, Eleanor M Byrne, John Erich Christian, Michaela Fendrock, Sophie Nowicki, Jason P Briner (2023). Polar education and outreach with Ghub: a science gateway for ice sheet science. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco.
350. Joerg M Schaefer, Jason P Briner, Allie Balter-Kennedy, Caleb Walcott, Nicolas E. Young, Benjamin Andrew Keisling, Sridhar Anandakrishnan, Nathan Stevens, Tanner Kuhl, Elliot Moravec and Kristina Slawny (2023). The basal zone beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet as new paleo-archive to constrain ice sheet vulnerability in space and time– early lessons from the GreenDrill project. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco.
349. Margie Turrin, Janice Yohannan, Joerg Schaefer, Jason P Briner, Nicolas E Young (2023). Polar Climate Ambassadors: Expanding polar science literacy through high school student ambassadors. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco.
348. Ana Carolina Moraes Luzardi, Sophie Nowicki, Denis Felikson, Rachel Passig Oien, Beata M Csatho, Jason P Briner and Kristin Poinar (2023). Greenland-wide geometry reconstruction at the Little Ice Age boundary. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco.
347. Mary R Albert, Elliot Moravec, Tanner Kuhl, Richard V Erickson, Forest Harmon, Kristina Slawny, Jay Johnson, Joerg Schaefer, Jessica Ackerman, Allie Balter-Kennedy, Jason P Briner, Caleb Walcott and Nicolas E. Youn (2023). Unique IDP Sub-Ice Drilling Yields Success for Science in Greenland, American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco.
346. Wilson, L.*, Briner, J.P., Prince, K., Walcott, C. (2023). Timing of Neoglacial advances from radiocarbon dating of ice-killed in-situ vegetation: Case studies from East and Northwest Greenland. Geological Society of America, annual meeting, Pittsburgh.
345. Tulenko, J.P.,* Briner, J.P., Goliber, S., Balco, G. (2023). Streamlining access to Greenland Ice Sheet geochronologic constraints: a Ghub tool. Geological Society of America, annual meeting, Pittsburgh.
344. Prince, K.K.*, Briner, J.P. (2023). Preliminary results of relative sea level changes in NW Greenland. Greenland Ice Sheet Stability: Lessons from the past. International Workshop, Bergen, Norway, April 19-21.
343. Goliber, S.*, Briner, J.P. and others (2023). Ghub: Making ice sheet research accessible. Greenland Ice Sheet Stability: Lessons from the past. International Workshop, Bergen, Norway, April 19-21.
342. Briner, J.P. (2023). Seeking Interglacial Isotopes. Greenland Ice Sheet Stability: Lessons from the past. International Workshop, Bergen, Norway, April 19-21.
341. Briner, J.P. (2022). The GreenDrill Project. MagellanPlus workshop: NorthGreen “Northeast Greenland: Unlocking records from sea to land.” Copenhagen, Denmark (in person).
340. Prince, K.*, Briner, J.P., Charlotte Lindqvist, Elizabeth K Thomas, Caleb K Walcott*, Flavio Augusto da Silva Coelho and Corey Krabbenhoft (2022). Preliminary Results from a 15 kyr-long Sediment Record from Parrot Lake, Dall Island, Southeast Alaska. American Geophysical Union, December, 2022.
339. Walcott, C.K.*, Briner, J.P., Stuart M Evans and Joseph P Tulenko (2022). Alaskan Alpine glaciers as Recorders of Last Glacial Maximum Precipitation and Temperature: Insights into Polar Paleoclimate. American Geophysical Union, December, 2022.
338. Gorbey, Devon B., Elizabeth K Thomas, Briner, J.P., Sarah E Crump, Patrick Keys, Kurt Lindberg, Gifford H Miller, Jonathan Raberg, Martha K Raynolds and Julio Sepulveda (2022). Laurentide Ice Sheet Configuration Influenced the Arctic Water Cycle through Multiple Interglacial Periods. American Geophysical Union, December, 2022.
337. Prince, K.*, Briner, J.P., Walcott, C., Kozlowski, A.L., 2022. Evidence of extensive permafrost between deglaciation and 15,000 years ago in western New York, USA. Geological Society of America Northeastern Section Meeting, Lancaster, PA, March 20-23.
336. Thomas, E.K., Prince, K.*, Briner, J.P., 2022. Constraining rapid climate change in the Laurentian Great Lakes region, first steps: Tuning a lake water proxy system model for quantitative paleoclimate interpretations. Geological Society of America Northeastern Section Meeting, Lancaster, PA, March 20-23.
335. Briner, J.P., Thomas, E.K., Prince, K.*, Guild, G.**, Roop, H., 2022. Preliminary analysis of a high-resolution lake-sediment record spanning the past 6400 years from southwest Greenland. Geological Society of America Northeastern Section Meeting, Lancaster, PA, March 20-23.
334. Chase, B.**, Prince, K.*, Briner, J.P., 2022. A sediment record from a kettle bog on the Lake Escarpment Moraine, western New York. Geological Society of America Northeastern Section Meeting, Lancaster, PA, March 20-23.
333. Balter-Kennedy, A., Young, N.E., Briner, J.P., Graham, B.L.*, Schaefer, J.M. 2021. Centennial- and orbital-scale erosion beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet. American Geophysical Union, 13-17 December, 2021.
332. Young, N.E., Briner, J.P. et al. 2021. Pulsebeat of early Holocene glaciation in Baffin Bay from high-resolution beryllium-10 moraine chronologies. American Geophysical Union, 13-17 December, 2021.
331. Becerra, A., Nowicki, S., Briner, J.P., et al. 2021. An open source tool for visualizing ISM intercomparisons. American Geophysical Union, 13-17 December, 2021.
330. Lenek, A.J., Licciardi, J., Briner, J.P., Baichtal, J. 2021. Volcanism, glaciation, and sea-level change at the Mount Edgecumbe Volcanic Field, Alaska: Implications for human occupation of the Northwest Pacific coast. American Geophysical Union, 13-17 December, 2021.
329. Keisling, B.A., Briner, J.P., et al. 2021. Estimating Greenland’s contribution to past sea-level highstatnds using ice-sheet models and subglacial cosmogenic records. American Geophysical Union, 13-17 December, 2021.
328. Briner, J.P., Schaefer, J., Young, N.E., Keisling, B.A., Anandakrishnan, S., Kuhl, T., Boeckmann, G., MacGregor, J.A., Deconto, R.M., Morlighem, M., Winckler, G., and Walcott, C.K. (2021). Introducing GreenDrill: Retrieving sub-glacial bedrock cores in North Greenland to test ice sheet response to interglacial warmth (and supporting your research?). American Geophysical Union, 13-17 December, 2021.
327. Tulenko, J.*, Briner, J.P., Young, N.E., Schaeffer, J.M. (2021). A deglaciation chronology from the western Alaska Range: Glacier fluctuations driven by regional climate mechanisms. Geological Society of America, annual meeting, Portland, OR, Oct 10-13.
326. Walcott, C.*, Tulenko, J.P.*, and Briner, J.P. (2021). Last Glacial Maximum equilibrium line altitudes from mountain glaciers across Alaska. Geological Society of America, annual meeting, Portland, OR, Oct 10-13.
325. Graham, B.*, Briner, J.P., Young, N., Balter-Kennedy, A., and Schaeffer, J.M. (2021). Combining UAV terrain analysis and in situ cosmogenic 10Be inventories to determine Little Ice Age subglacial abrasion:quarrying ratio at Jakobshavn forelfield. Geological Society of America, annual meeting, Portland, OR, Oct 10-13.
324. Prince, K.*, Briner, J.P., Walcott, C.*, Kozlowski, A. L. and Feranec, R. S. (2021). New radiocarbon constraints on the advance and retreat of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in western New York, USA. Geological Society of America, annual meeting, Portland, OR, Oct 10-13.
323. Walcott, C.K.*, Briner, J.P., Baichtal, J.F. (2021). The hunt for ice-free areas along the coastal Cordilleran Ice Sheet margin during the LGM continues: No dice in the northern Alexander Archipelago. 50th International Arctic Workshop, April 14-16, virtual.
322. Tulenko, J.P.*, Ash, B.J.**, Briner, J.P., Reger, R.D. (2021). The culmination of the last glaciation in the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska based on 10Be ages from Alaska’s biggest moraine boulders. 50th International Arctic Workshop, April 14-16, virtual.
321. Sbarra, C.*, Briner, J.P., Graham, B.*, Thomas, E.K., Poinar, K., Young, N.E. (2021). Evidence for a more extensive Greenland Ice Sheet in southwestern Greenland during the Last Glacial Maximum. 50th International Arctic Workshop, April 14-16, virtual.
320. Lesnek, A.J., Licciardi, J.M., Briner, J.P., Baichtal, J.F., Walcott, C.K.* (2021). Exposing the history of volcanism and sea-level changes at the Mount Edgecumbe Volcanic Field in Southeast Alaska using cosmogenic nuclides. 50th International Arctic Workshop, April 14-16, virtual.
319. Kaplan, M.R., Miller, G.H., Briner, J.P., Young, N.E. (2021). Does Northeastern Cumberland Peninsula preserve a dateable pre-MIS2 moraine record – or NOT? 50th International Arctic Workshop, April 14-16, virtual.
318. Thomas, E.K., Cuzzone, J.K., Briner, J.P., Badgeley, J., Cluett, A., Downs, J., Lesnek, A.J., Young, N.E., Allan, E., Bennike, O., Csatho, B.M., de Vernal, A., Hakim, G., Johnson, J., Larour, E., Morlighem, M., Nowicki, S., Schaefer, J., Schlegel, N., Steig, E.J., Turrin, M. (2020). Precipitation modulates Greenland Ice Sheet size during the Holocene. American Geophysical Union, 1-17 December, 2020. Virtual.
317. Tulenko, J.P.*, Briner, J.P., Young, N.E., Schaefer, J.M. (2020). Insights into the last deglaciation of Alaska from 10Be dating a moraine sequence deposited in the western Alaska Range. American Geophysical Union, 1-17 December, 2020. Virtual.
316. Balter-Kennedy, A., Young, N.E., Briner, J.P., Graham, B.L.*, Schaefer, J. (2020). Short- and long-term subglacial erosion rates from 10Be measurements in recently deglaciated bedrock at Jakobshavn Isbrae. American Geophysical Union, 1-17 December, 2020. Virtual.
315. Walcott, C.*, Briner, J.P., Baichtal, J.F. (2020). Hunting for Ice Age Refugia: A 10Be-Based Deglacial Chronology from the Northern Alexander Archipelago, Alaska. American Geophysical Union, 1-17 December, 2020. Virtual.
314. Cicero, E., Poinar, K., Jones-Ivey, Sperhac, J., Petty, A., Briner, J.P. (2020). Distribution and Evolution of Crevasses Draining the Firn Aquifer in Southeast Greenland Identified with a Ghub Tool. American Geophysical Union, 1-17 December, 2020. Virtual.
313. Sbarra, C.*, Briner, J.P., Poinar, K., Thomas, E.K., Young, N.E., Graham, B.L.* (2020). Support for a more extensive Greenland Ice Sheet in southwestern Greenland during the LGM. American Geophysical Union, 1-17 December, 2020. Virtual.
312. Graham, B.L.*, Koppes, M.N., Briner, J.P. (2020). Estimating Erosion Rates from the Western Greenland Ice Sheet Using Proglacial Lake Sediment Volumes. American Geophysical Union, 1-17 December, 2020. Virtual.
311. Crump, S.E., Frechette, B., Power, M., Culter, S., de Wet, G., Raynolds, M., Raberg, J., Briner, J.P., Thomas, E.K., Sepulveda, J., Shapiro, B., Bunce, M., Miller, G.H. (2020). Ancient DNA in lake sediment reveals High Arctic greening during the Last Interglacial. American Geophysical Union, 1-17 December, 2020. Virtual.
310. Briner, J.P., Nowicki, S., Poinar, K., Sperhac, J., Patra, A., Jones-Ivey, R., Cicero, E., Csatho, B., Lipscomb, W., Larour, e., Quinn, J., Simon, E., Schenk, T. (2020). Ghub: A new community-driven data-model resource for ice-sheet scientists. American Geophysical Union, 1-17 December, 2020. Virtual.
309. Martinez, H.**, Briner, J.P., Graham, B.* (2020). Greenland Ice Sheet extent through the Holocene based on a lake sediment core from proglacial-threshold Ted Lake, west-central Greenland. Geological Society of America annual meeting. Virtual.
308. Walcott, C.*, Tulekno, J.*, Briner, J.P., Young, N. (2020). Paleo-glacier equilibrium line altitudes from central Alaska insights into last glacial maximum and late glacial climate. Geological Society of America annual meeting. Virtual.
307. Gregg, T.K.P., Boyle, J.T., Meehan, K.C., Jadamec, M., Briner, J.P. (2020). Covid-19 and field training: U. at Buffalo’s summer virtual mapping course. Geological Society of America annual meeting. Virtual.
306. Briner, J.P., Tulekno, J.*, Young, N.E., Baichtal, J., Lesnek, A.* (2020). The last deglaciation of Alaska. Geological Society of America annual meeting. Virtual. Invited.
305. Kelley, S., Ward, B., Briner, J.P., Ross, M., Normandeau, P., Elliott, B. (2020). The recession of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in southeast Northwest Territories during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition. European Geophysical Union annual meeting. EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020
304. Young, N., Briner, J., Miller, G., Lesnek, A.*, Crump, S., Thomas, E., Pendleton, S., Cuzzone, J., Lamp, J., Zimmerman, S., Caffee, M., and Schaefer, J.: Deglaciation of the Greenland and Laurentide ice sheets interrupted by glacier advance during abrupt coolings, EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-2739,, 2020
303. Lesnek, A.J.*, Briner, J.P., Young, N.E., Cuzzone, J.K., 2019. Maximum Southwest Greenland Ice Sheet Recession in the Early Holocene. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 December.
302. Young, N.E., Briner, J.P., Lesnek, A.J.*, Balter, A., Graham, B.*, Schaefer, J.M., 2019. Constraining periods of reduced Greenland Ice Sheet extent using in situ 10Be-14C-26Al measurements in recently exposed bedrock surfaces. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 December.
301. Crump, S.E., Frechette, B., Miller, G.H., Power, M., de Wet, G., Thomas, E.K., Sepulveda, J., Briner, J.P., Bunce, M., 2019. Vegetation response to climate warming across multiple interglacials inferred from High Arctic lake sediment. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 December.
300. Turrin, M., Zaima, L., Briner, J.P., Thomas, E.K., 2019. Snow on Ice and climate literacy: Linking the past, the present and the future. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 December.
299. Thomas, E.K., Corcoran, M.C., Hollister, K.V., Cluett, A.A., Briner, J.P., Dee, S., Morrill, C., 2019. Water isotope proxies and forward modeling in lakes with contrasting residence times yield estimates of Arctic Holocene precipitation seasonality and amount. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 December.
298. Cuzzone, J.K., Morlighem, M., Schlegel, N., Larour, E.Y., Briner, J.P., Young, N.E., Lesnek, A.*, Badgeley, J., Steig, E., Hakim, G., 2019. Investigating the role climate reconstructions play in the simulated retreat history of southwestern Greenland during the Holocene using the Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM). American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 December.
297. Briner, J.P., Cuzzone, J.K., Badgeley, J.A., Young, N.E., Steig, E.J., Morlighem, M., Schlegel, N.-J., Hakim, G.J., Schaefer, J., Johnson, J.V., Lesnek, A.J.*, Thomas, E.K., Allan, E., Bennike, O., Cluett, A.A Csatho, B., de Vernal, A., Downs, J., Larour, E., Nowicki, S. (2019). Greenland Ice Sheet mass loss rate will excee Holocene values this century. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 December.
296. Sperhac, J.M., Poinar, K., Nowicki, S., Simon, E., Jones-Ivey, R., Snitzer, E., Briner, J.P., Csatho, B., Patra, A., 2019. GHub: Building a glaciological gateway to unify a community. Gateways , Sand Diego, CA, 23-25 September.
295. Tulenko, J.P.*, Caffee, W.*, Schweinsberg, A.D.*, Briner, J.P., Leonard, E.M. 2019. Rapid and synchronous deglaciation of three adjacent alpine valleys in the Arkansas River Valley, CO at the Heinrich Stadial 1/Bølling transition Geological Society of America annual meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 22-25 September.
294. Crump, S., Young, N.E., Pendleton, S.L., Miller, G.H., Anderson, R.S., Briner, J.P., 2019. Expansion of Baffin Island glaciers during early Holocene cold events. Geological Society of America annual meeting, Phoenix, AZ, 22-25 September.
293. Graham, B.L.*, Briner, J.P., Koppes, M., Young, N., 2019. Estimating glacial erosion rates near Jakobshavn Isbrae, West Greenland. International Glaciological Society symposium, Glacial Erosion and Sedimentation, Madison, Wisconsin, 12-17 May.
292. Miller, G.H., Pendleton, S., Lehman, S., Jahn, A., Zhong, Y., Briner, J.P., Schweinsberg, A.*, Landvik, J., Geirsdottir, A., Larsen, D., 2019. Integrating instrumental data, geological data and modelling to better constrain high-latitude ice sheet and glacier change. Eurpean Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria, 7-12 April.
291. Regnell, C., Briner, J.P., Haflidason, H., Mangerud, J., Svendsen, J.I., 2019. Interaction between a Lateglacial ice-cap and the Scandinavian Ice-sheet at the mouth of Hardangerfjorden, southwest Norway. Eurpean Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria, 7-12 April.
290. Miller, G.H., Pendleton, S., Lehman, S., Jahn, A., Zhong, Y., Briner, J.P., Schweinsberg, A.*, 2019. Timing of cryosphere expansion across Baffin Bay compared to a 2 ka CESM1 transient simulation: a data-model comparison. 49th International Arctic Workshop, Stockholm.
289. Young, N.E., Miller, G.H., Briner, J.P., Schaefer, J., Lesnek, A.*, Crump, S., Pendleton, S., 2018. Ice-sheet Sensitivity to Abrupt Climate Change. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, Washington, DC, December 10-14.
288. Cuzzone, J., Larour, E., Morlighem, M., Schlegel, N., Briner, J.P., Young, N.E., Badgeley, J., Steig, E.J., Hakim, G.J., 2018. High-resolution modeling of southwestern Greenland during the Holocene using the Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM): Comparison with geologic proxies and sensitivity to climate forcing. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, Washington, DC, December 10-14.
287. Tulenko, J., Lofverstrom, M., Briner, J.P., 2018.. Preserving the MIS 4 Glacial Record in Beringia: Laurentide Ice Sheet Configuration Disrupts Large-scale Atmospheric Circulation During MIS 2. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, Washington, DC, December 10-14.
286. Hollister, K., Thomas, E., Cluett, A., Briner, J.P., 2018. Quantifying Arctic Holocene precipitation seasonality and relative humidity using leaf wax hydrogen isotopes in lakes with contrasting residence time: A case study on western Greenland. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, Washington, DC, December 10-14.
285. Thomas, E., Corcoran, M.C., Castaneda, I.S., Briner, J.P., Salacup, J., McKay, N. 2018. Synchronous Early Holocene Summer Hydroclimate Variability Throughout the Eastern North American Arctic Driven by Changes in Poleward Moisture Transport. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, Washington, DC, December 10-14.
284. Corcoran, M.C., Thomas, E., Briner, J.P., 2018. Reconstructing Arctic precipitation seasonality and moisture source during the Holocene using paired chironomid δ18O and aquatic leaf wax δ2H. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, Washington, DC, December 10-14.
283. Nichols, S.**, Briner, J.P., Lesnek, A.J.*, 2018. Reconstructing Holocene ice sheet margin history near Kangiata Nunaata Sermia, Southwest Greenland, using radiocarbon dated proglacial-threshold lake sediments. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, Washington, DC, December 10-14.
282. Miller, G.H., Zhong, Y., Jahn, A., Geirsdottir, A., Briner, J.P., Schweinsberg, A.D.*, 2018. Asynchronous response to late Holocene cooling by glaciers in the Atlantic and Pacific sectors of the Arctic explained by weakening AMOC and intensified Aleutian Low: a data-model comparison. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, Washington, DC, December 10-14.
281. Lesnek, A.*, Briner, J.P., Baichtal, J., 2018. Rapid Cordilleran Ice Sheet deglaciation during Heinrich Stadial 1. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, Washington, DC, December 10-14.
280. Stock, J., Turrin, M., Briner, J.P., 2018. Wonder Woman is a Climate Modeler: The “Scientists are Superheroes” program for empowering youth. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, Washington, DC, December 10-14.
279. Briner, J.P., Young, N.E., Allan, E., Badgeley, J., Bennike, O., Cluett, A., Csatho, B., Corcoran, M., Cuzzone, J., de Vernal, A., Downs, J., Hakim, G., Johnson, J., Larour, E., Lesnek, A.*, Morlighem, M., Schaefer, J., Steig, E., Thomas, E., Turrin, M., 2018. The Snow on Ice Project: A data-model collaboration for assessing Greenland Ice Sheet change during periods of Arctic warmth. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, Washington, DC, December 10-14.
278. Lesnek, A.*, Briner, J.P., Young, N.E., 2018. Synthesizing Holocene Greenland ice sheet chronology for data-model comparison. CANQUA/AMQUA, Ottawa, 7-11 August.
277. Badgeley, J., Cluett, A., Corcoran, M., Briner, J.P., Hakim, G., Steig, E., Thomas, E. 2018. Reconstructing Holocene climate on Greenland for use in paleo-ice sheet model simulations. IGS symposium, Buffalo, NY USA, 3-8 June.
276. Graham, B.*, Briner, J.P., Schweinsberg, A.*, Lifton, N., and Bennike, O. 2018. Analyzing nunatak presence during the LGM with in situ 14C to provide constraint for ice sheet models. IGS symposium, Buffalo, NY USA, 3-8 June.
275. Briner, J.P., Lesnek, A.*, Young, N., Cuzzone, J., Downs, J., and Johnson, J., 2018. Holocene Greenland Ice Sheet extent for data-model comparison. IGS symposium, Buffalo, NY USA, 3-8 June.
274. Johnson, J., Downs, J., Briner, J.P., Young, N.E., 2018. Inferring the time dependent surface mass balance pattern from changes in the position of a glacier’s terminus. IGS symposium, Buffalo, NY USA, 3-8 June.
273. Funder, S. Sørensen, A.L., Bjørk, A.A., Briner, J.P., Kjaer, K.H., Larsen, N.K., Schomacker, A., 2018, The case of the missing Younger Dryas. PAST Gateways conference, Durham, UK, 16-20 April.
272. Briner, J.P., Graham, B.L., Schweinsberg, A.D., Lifton, N., Bennike, O., 2018, Were there LGM nunataks in Greenland: Modeling new in situ 14C data suggest not. PAST Gateways conference, Durham, UK, 16-20 April.
271. Pendleton, S., Miller, G.H., Lifton, N., Young, N., Briner, J.P., 2018, Early Holocene glacier retreat and expansion resolves conflicting evidence for the onset and duration of early Holocene summer warmth in the eastern Canadian Arctic. 48th Arctic Workshop, Boulder, CO 5-6 April.
270. Lesnek, A.J.*, Briner, J.P., Young, N.E., Cuzzone, J.K., Downs, J.Z., Johnson, J.V., 2018, Holocene Greenland ice sheet extent for data-model comparison. 48th Arctic Workshop, Boulder, CO 5-6 April.
269. Graham, B.L.*, Briner, J.P., Schweinsberg, A.D.*, Lifton, A., Bennike, O., 2018, Were there LGM nunataks in Greenland: Modeling new in situ 14C data suggest not. 48th Arctic Workshop, Boulder, CO 5-6 April.
268. Tulenko, J.P.*, Briner, J.P., 2018, Equilibrium line altitude reconstructions of glaciers n the Revelation Mountains, Alaska: Key insights into the forcing of Wisconsinan Glaciation in Alaska. 48th Arctic Workshop, Boulder, CO 5-6 April.
267. Corcoran, M.C., Thomas, E.K., Castañeda, I.S., Briner, J.P., 2018, Multi-proxy reconstruction of hydroclimate on Baffin Island during the early Holocene. 48th Arctic Workshop, Boulder, CO 5-6 April.
266. Doody, E.*, Briner, J.P., 2018, A multi-proxy approach for detecting late Pleistocene climate events in western New York. Northeastern Section Geological Society of America Meeting, Burlington, VT, 18-20 March.
265. Sbarra, C.**, Briner, J.P., Lesnek, A.*, Baichtal, J.F., 2018, Glacial erosion rate for the Cordilleran Ice Sheet in Southeast Alaska using cosmogenic 10Be concentrations in bedrock and perched boulders. Northeastern Section Geological Society of America Meeting, Burlington, VT, 18-20 March.
264. Caffee, W.*, Schweinsberg, A.D.*, Briner, J.P., 2018, 10Be dating the last deglaciation of the Clear Creek valley, Sawatch Range, CO. Northeastern Section Geological Society of America Meeting, Burlington, VT, 18-20 March.
263. Svendsen, J.I., Mangerud, J., Briner, J.P., 2018, Deglaciation history of western Norway inferred from 10Be- dating of erratics and 14C-dates from sediment cores. Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, Copenhagen, 10-12 January.
262. Corcoran, M.C., Thomas, E.K., Castañeda, I.S., and Briner, J.P., 2017, Early Holocene hydroclimate of Baffin Bay: Understanding the interplay between abrupt climate change events and ice sheet fluctuations. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, December 11-15.
261. Schwinsberg, A.D.*, Briner, J.P., Licciardi, J.M., Leonard, E.M., Shroba, R.R., and Caffee, W.*, 2017, Detailed chronology of the last deglaciation developed from 10Be dating of moraines and bedrock int he upper Arkansas River valley, Colorado Rocky Mountains, USA. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 49, Oct 22-25.
260. Tulenko, J.P.*, Briner, J.P., Young, N.E., and Schaefer, J.M., 2017, 10Be dating MIS 2 and MIS 4 moraines int he Revelation Mountains, Alaska. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 49, Oct 22-25.
259. Lesnek, A.J.*, Briner, J.P., Baichtal, J.F., Sbarra, C.M.**, 2017, Latest Pleistocene deglaciation of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet in Southeastern Alaska. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 49, Oct 22-25.
258. Young, N.E., Miller, G.H., Briner, J.P., Schaefer, J.M., Crump, S.E., Lesnek, A.J.*, and Pendleton, S.L., 2017, Early Holocene evolution of the Laurentide and Greenland ice sheets. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 49, Oct 22-25.
257. Tulenko, J.*, Briner, J.P., Young, N.E., 2017, The last deglaciation of the Revelation Mountains, Alaska: Distinguishing between global and regional climatic controls. 47th International Arctic Workshop. March 23-25.
256. Crump, S., Miller, G.H., Young, N.E., Briner, J.P., Pendleton, S., 2017, Early Holocene glacier chronologies from Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. 47th International Arctic Workshop. March 23-25.
255. Miller, G.H., Pendleton, S., Schaefer, J., Young, N.E., Briner, J.P., Gilbert, A., Flowers, G., 2017, New cosmogenic radionuclide data constrain the frequency of disappearance of the Greenland and Laurentide ice sheets through the full Quaternary. 47th International Arctic Workshop. March 23-25.
254. Lesnek, A.*, Briner, J.P., Roop, H., Cluett, A., Thomas, E.K., Young, N.E., 2017, Constraints on western Greenland ice sheet extent during the middle Holocene from proglacial lake sediments. 47th International Arctic Workshop. March 23-25.
253. Roop, H., Briner, J.P., Young, N.E., 2017, Ice, lakes and climate: Exploring the complexities of proglacial-threshold lake sedimentary records from western Greenland. 47th International Arctic Workshop. March 23-25.
252. Schweinsberg, A.*, Briner, J.P., Licciardi, J., Bennike, O., 2017, Proglacial lake sediment records of Holocene mountain glacier change on the Nuussuaq Peninsula, West Greenland: Initial results. 47th International Arctic Workshop. March 23-25.
251. Young, N.E., Miller, G.H., Briner, J.P., Schaefer, J.M., Crump, S., Lesnek, A.J.*, Pendleton, S., 2017, The early Holocene glaciation in Baffin Bay project: Initial results. 47th International Arctic Workshop. March 23-25.
250. Briner, J.P., Goehring, B.M., Svendsen, J.I., Mangerud, J., 2016, Beryllium-10 dating the last retreat of the Norwegian Channel Ice Stream at Utsira, western Norway. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, December 12-16.
249. Lamp, J.L., Schaefer, J.M., Koffman, T.N.B., Briner, J.P., Gjermundsen, E.F., Young, N.E., Hormes, A., 2016, A multi-nuclide approach to the exposure timing of alpine summits in northwestern Svalbard: Results from in-situ 14C measurements in quartz. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, December 12-16.
248. Schweinsberg, A*., Briner, J.P., Miller, G.H., Lesnek, A.J.*, Lifton, N.A., Clements, S**., 2016, Holocene mountain glacier variability in the Sukkertoppen Region, western Greenland. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, December 12-16.
247. Young, N.E., Miller, G.H., Briner, J.P., Schaefer, J.M., Crump, S.E., Pendleton, S., 2016, Early Holocene glaciation in Baffin Bay. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, December 12-16.
246. Cuzzone, J., Larour, E.Y., Schlegel, N., and Briner, J.P., 2016, Modeling the sensitivity of the Greenland Ice Sheet to Holocene climate variability using the Ice Sheet System Model (ISSM). American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, December 12-16.
245. Lesnek, A.J.*, Briner, J.P., 2017, It takes two: New constraints on Cordilleran Ice Sheet extent and retreat from 10Be and radiocarbon dating. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, December 12-16.
244. Thomas, E.K., Castañeda, I.S., Briner, J.P., Nguyen, K., Salacup, J., and Schweinsberg, A.*, 2016, Abrupt early Holocene hydroclimate and temperature response to freshwater forcing in Baffin Bay drove rapid ice sheet change. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, December 12-16.
233. Thomas, E.K., Castañeda, I.S., Briner, J.P., Nguyen, K., Salacup, J., and Schweinsberg, A.*, 2016, Decadally resolved early Holocene temperature and precipitation reconstructions from western Greenland. 46th International Arctic Workshop, April 2-3.
232. Tulenko, J.P.*, Briner, J.P., Miller, G.H., and Young, N.E., 2016, Holocene deglaciation in two fjords in northern Cumberland Peninsula, Arctic Canada. 46th International Arctic Workshop, April 2-3.
231. Lesnek, A.*, and Briner, J.P., 2016, It takes two: Using 10Be and radiocarbon dating to decipher the glacial history of southeastern Alaska during the Last Glacial Maximum. 46th International Arctic Workshop, April 2-3.
230. Young, N., Briner, J.P., and Schaefer, J., 2016, In situ 10Be measurements in bedrock constrain erosion beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet. 46th International Arctic Workshop, April 2-3.
229. Briner, J.P., Goehring, B., Svendsen, J.I., and Mangerud, J., 2016, The deep accumulation of 10Be in distal ice sheet landscapes: A case study at Utsira, southwestern Norway. 46th International Arctic Workshop, April 2-3.
228. Guild, G.A.**, Clements, S.M.**, Whiteside, R.**, and Briner, J.P., 2016. A comparison of late Pleistocene and Holocene sediment records from western New York. Northeastern Section Geological Society of America Meeting, 21-23 March.
227. Clements, S.M.**, Briner, J.P., 2016, A compilation of basal radiocarbon ages from post-glacial lakes and bogs in western New York. Northeastern Section Geological Society of America Meeting, 21-23 March.
226. Sbarra, C.M.**, Briner, J.P., 2016, Dating coastal sediment stratigraphy at Bennett Beach, Lake Erie, western New York. Northeastern Section Geological Society of America Meeting, 21-23 March.
225. Porreca, C.J.*, Briner, J.P., Kozlowski, A., 2016, Constraining Laurentide Ice Sheet meltwater routing changes in eastern New York State using Beryllium-10 dating. Northeastern Section Geological Society of America Meeting, 21-23 March.
224. Cronauer, S.L., Briner, J.P., and Kelley, S.E., 2016, An early Holocene 10Be alpine glacier chronology and paleoclimate reconstruction from central West Greenland. Northeastern Section Geological Society of America Meeting, 21-23 March.
223. Gump, D.J.*, Briner, J.P., Svendsen, J.I., and Mangerud, J., 2016, Improved chronology of Scandinavian Ice Sheet deglaciation at Boknafjorden, southwestern Norway, using 10Be dating. Northeastern Section Geological Society of America Meeting, 21-23 March.
222. Schweinsberg, A.D.*, Briner, J.P., Licciardi, J.M., and Shroba, R.R., 2016, New constraints on the timing of late Pleistocene glaciation at Twin Lakes in the upper Arkansas River valley, Colorado: Initial results. Northeastern Section Geological Society of America Meeting, 21-23 March.
221. Whiteside, R.S.**, Guild, G.A.**, Clements, S.**, and Briner, J.P., 2016, Investigating Allenberg Bog to constrain the paleoclimate history of western New York. Northeastern Section Geological Society of America Meeting, 21-23 March.
220. Philipps, W.*, Briner, J.P., Gislefoss, L., Koffman, T.N.B., and Hormes, A., 2016, Records of Neoglaciation at Scottbreen and on the Treskelen Peninsula, western Svalbard. Northeastern Section Geological Society of America Meeting, 21-23 March.
219. Nguyen, K.Q., Thomas, E.K., Castañeda, I.S., Briner, J.P., Schweinsberg, A.*, and Salacup, J., 2016, Reconstructing early Holocene decadal-resolution temperature using BRGDGTs from lake sediments, western Greenland. Northeastern Section Geological Society of America Meeting, 21-23 March.
218. Thomas, E.K., Castañeda, I.S., Briner, J.P., Nguyen, K.Q., Salacup, J.M., and Schweinsberg, A.D.*, 2016, Decadally-resolved early Holocene temperature and precipitation reconstructions from the eastern and western coasts of Baffin Bay. Northeastern Section Geological Society of America Meeting, 21-23 March.
217. Lesnek, A.*, Briner, J.P., Schweinsberg, A.*, and Lifton, N., 2015, Toward a master chronology for western Greenland’s fjord stade moraines: New 10Be ages from the Sondre Isortoq region. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, December 14-18.
216. Philipps, W.*, Hormes, A., Briner, J.P., and Koffman, T., 2015, The Holocene moraine record of Scottbreen, Spitsbergen, Svalbard. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, December 14-18.
215. Schweinsberg, A.*, Briner, J.P., Miller, G.H., and Bennike, O., 2015, Records of local glacier variability in western Greenland during the Holocene from lake sediments, ice-cap-killed vegetation, and 10Be dating. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, December 14-18.
214. Young, N.E., Briner, J.P., and Schaefer, J.M., 2015, Quantifying sub-glacial abrasion at Jakobshavn Isbrae: a novel approach using in situ 10Be measurements. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, December 14-18.
213. Cuzzone, J., Larour, E., Schlegel, N., Briner, J.P., 2015, Paleo-reconstruction of the Jakobshavn Glacier during the late Holocene using ISSM and paleo-data of margin migration. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, December 14-18.
212. Schaefer, J., Finkel, R., Caffee, M., Alley, R., Balco, G., Zimmerman, S., Briner, J.P., Young, N.E., and Schwartz, R., 2015, Ice-free Greenland during the mid-Pleistocene? American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, December 14-18.
211. Koffman, T., Schaefer, J., Hormes, A., Briner, J.P., Gjermundsen, E., Young, N., Kaplan, M., and Nothaft, D., 2015, Ice sheet evolution and deglaciation chronology of southwestern Spitsbergen illuminated by three-nuclide surface-exposure dating (26Al, 10Be and 14C). American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, December 14-18.
210. Briner, J.P., McKay, N.P., Axford, Y., Bennike, O., Bradley, R.S., de Vernal, A., Fisher, D., Francus, P., Fréchette, B., Gajewski, K., Jennings, A., Kaufman, D.S., Miller, G.H., Rouston, C., and Wagner, B., 2015, Holocene climate change in Arctic Canada and Greenland. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, December 14-18.
209. Thomas, E., Castaneda, I., Briner, J.P., Schweinsberg, A.*, Nguyen, K., and Salacup, J., 2015, Decadal-resolution early Holocene temperature and precipitation reconstruction near Disko Bugt, western Greenland. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, December 14-18.
208. Gump, D.*, Briner, J.P., Svendsen, J.I., Mangerud, J., 2015, Improved timing of deglaciation of the southwestern Scandinavian Ice Sheet using 10Be. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, December 14-18
207. Young, N.E., Schweinsberg, A.*, Briner, J.P., and Schaefer, J.M., 2015, Glacier maxima in Baffin Bay during the Medieval Warm Period. Geological Soceity of America annual meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, November 1-4.
206. Beel, C.R., Lifton, N.A., Briner, J.P., and Goehring, B.M., 2015, Cosmogenic nuclide insights into Quaternary landscape evolution and ice sheet history of central-west and southwest Greenland. Geological Soceity of America annual meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, November 1-4.
205. Philipps, W.*, Briner, J.P., Koffman, T., Hormes, A., 2015, Using 10Be dating to imrove the history of the Svalbard-Barents Sea ice sheet on Kong Karls Land, Svalbard: Preliminary results. 45th Arctic Workshop, Bergen, Norway, May 10-13.
204. Hormes, A., Briner, J.P., 2015, Deglaciation history of Bjørnøya, Svalbard, between 25 and 12.9 ka. 45th Arctic Workshop, Bergen, Norway, May 10-13.
203. Briner, J.P., Pendleton, S.*, Ceperley, L.*, Kaufman, D., Zimmerman, S., 2015, The latest Pleistocene and Holocene glacier record from the Brooks Range, Arctic Alaska. 45th Arctic Workshop, Bergen, Norway, May 10-13.
202. Geirsdóttir, Á., Miller, G.H., Briner, J.P., Schweinsberg, A.*, Pendleton, S.*, Larsen, D., Florian, C., 2015, Abrupt centennial-scale departures superimposed on Holocene insolation forcing across the northern North Atlantic. 45th Arctic Workshop, Bergen, Norway, May 10-13.
201. Gump, D.*, Briner, J.P., Svendsen, J.I., Mangerud, J., 2015, Reconstructing southwestern Scandinavian Ice Sheet history using 10Be dating. 45th Arctic Workshop, Bergen, Norway, May 10-13.
200. Schweinsberg, A.D.*, Briner, J.P., Miller, G.H., Bennike, O., 2015, Fluctuations of local glaciers in western Greenland during the Holocene. 45th Arctic Workshop, Bergen, Norway, May 10-13.
199. Kelley, S.E., Briner, J.P., Cronauer, S., 2015, Variations in late Holocene ice sheet margin fluctuations in west Greenland. Northeastern Section Geological Society of America Meeting, 23-25 March.
198. Corcoran, M.C.**, Briner, J.P., Cronauer, S., 2015, Improving efficiency of quartz isolation for cosmogenic 10Be exposure dating. Northeastern Section Geological Society of America Meeting, 23-25 March.
197. Lesnek, A.*, Briner, J.P., Schweinsberg, A.D.*, Lifton, N., 2015, A preliminary 10Be chronology of the fjord stade moraines in the Søndre Isortoq region, western Greenland. Northeastern Section Geological Society of America Meeting, 23-25 March.
196. Philipps, W.*, Briner, J.P., Schweinsberg, A.*, Bennike, O., 2015, Deglaciation chronology in the central Uummannaq fjord system (western Greenland) during the Holocene. Northeastern Section Geological Society of America Meeting, 23-25 March.
195. Mangerud, J., Svendsen, J.I., Briner, J.P., Lohne, Ø.S., Young, N.E., 2015, Dating the Lysefjorden moraine described by Esmark (1824) and Andersen (1954). The Norwegian Geological Winter Meeting.
194. D’Andrea, W., Balascio, N., Bradley, R., Bakke, J., Gjere, M., Kaufman, D., Briner, J.P., von Gunten, L., 2014, Holocene Temperature Reconstructions from Arctic Lakes based on Alkenone Paleothermometry and Non-Destructive Scanning Techniques. AGU Fall Meeting Supp. Abstract PP23E-03. Invited
193. Nothaft, D., Koffman, T., Schaefer, J., Young, N., Hormes, A., Briner, J.P., 2014, The Svalbard Barents Sea Ice Sheet deglaciation and its contribution to meltwater pulse 1a: Constraining ice sheet history with geomorphological mapping and 10Be exposure dating on Svalbard’s southern cape. AGU Fall Meeting Supp. Abstract PP21B-1320
192. Schweinsberg, A.*, Briner, J.P., Bennike, O., 2014, Lacustrine records of Holocene mountain glacier fluctuations from western Greenland. AGU Fall Meeting Supp. Abstract C13B-0440.
191. Young, N., Briner, J.P., Schaefer, J., 2014, Alpine glaciation on Baffin Island over the last millennium. AGU Fall Meeting Supp. Abstract C52B-03.
190. Briner, J.P., Young, N., Schweinsberg, A.*, Pendleton, S., 2014, The Holocene record of alpine glaciation in the Arctic. AGU Fall Meeting Supp. Abstract C52B-02. Invited.
189. Svendsen, J.I., Briner, J.P., Mangerud, J., Hughes, A., Young, N., Vasskog, K., 2014, Early break-up (~20 ka) of the Norwegian Channel Ice Stream of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum. AGU Fall Meeting Supp. Abstract PP43F-04.
188. Briner, J.P., Schweinsberg, A.*, Miller, G., Lifton, N., Beel, C., Bennike, O., 2014, Peeking under the ice…literally: records of arctic climate change from radiocarbon dating moss emerging from beneath retreating glaciers. AGU Fall Meeting Supp. Abstract C51C-03. Invited.
187. Geirsdóttir, A., Miller, G.H., Larsen, D.J., Ólafsdóttir, S., Lehman, S., Landvik, J., Briner, J.P., Schweinsberg, A.D.*, and Pendleton, S., 2014, Similar timings for the onset of persistent cold summers during Neoglaciation across the northern North Atlantic. PAGES Workshop: Past as Prologue: Holocene climate as context for future climate change, Mt. Hood, Oregon, October 14-16.
186. Kelley, S*., Briner, J.P., Zimmerman, S.H., and Cronauer, S., 2014, The influence of ice marginal setting on early Holocene retreat rates in West Greenland. Geological Society of America annual meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 19-22 October.
185. Briner, J.P., Cronauer, S.L., Schweinsberg, A., Miller, G.H., and Bennike, O., 2014, Contrasting history between local glaciers and the Greenland Ice Sheet during the Holocene: Emerging results from western Greenland. 2nd PAST Gateways International Conference and Workshop, Trieste, Italy, 19-23 May.
184. Ceperley, E.*, Briner, J.P., and Kaufman, D.S., 2014, Lacustrine record of Holocene paleoenvironments from Shainin Lake, Brooks Range, Arctic Alaska. Northeastern Geological Society of America Meting, Lancaster, PA, March 23-25.
183. Cronauer, S.*, Briner, J.P., and Kelley, S.*, 2014, Did local glaciers on Greenland respond to the 8.2 ka event? Northeastern Geological Society of America Meting, Lancaster, PA, March 23-25.
182. Coffin, K.**, Cronauer, S.*, Kelley, S.*, and Briner, J.P., 2014, Lake sediment records from isolation basins constrain relative sea level changes during the Holocene near Nordenskiold Gletscher, western Greenland. Northeastern Geological Society of America Meting, Lancaster, PA, March 23-25.
181. Osterhoudt, C.**, Choi, S.**, Briner, J.P., and the entire Quaternary Dating and Paleoclimatology class, 2014, Latest Pleistocene and Holocene sediment records from wetlands in western New York. Northeastern Geological Society of America Meting, Lancaster, PA, March 23-25.
180. Før Gjermundsen, E., Forwick, M., Briner, J.P., Akcar, N., Janson, M., Kubik, P., and Hormes, A., 2014, Slow deglaciation of north Spitsbergen fjords. European Geophysical Union, abstract EGU2014-12913.
179. Håkansson, L., Briner, J.P., Andresen, C., Thomas, E., and Bennike, O., 2014, Slow retreat of a land-based sector of the West Greenland Ice Sheet during the Holocene thermal maximum: evidence from threshold lakes at Paakitsoq. European Geophysical Union, abstract EGU2014-9029.
178. Thomas, E.K., Ryan-Henry, J., Briner, J.P., and Huang, Y., 2014, A centennial-resolution Holocene leaf wax hydrogen isotope record for Disko Bugt, western Greenland. 44th International Arctic Workshop, INSTAAR, March 15-16.
177. Schweinsberg, A.D.*, Briner, J.P., Miller, G.H., Bennike, O., and Lifton, N., 2014, Late Holocene expansion of local cold-based ice caps in central West Greenland. 44th International Arctic Workshop, INSTAAR, March 15-16.
176. Philipps, W.*, Briner, J.P., Schweinsberg, A., and Bennike, O., 2014, Deglaciation Chronology in the central Uummannaq Fjord system (western Greenland) during the Holocene – Preliminary Results. 44th International Arctic Workshop, INSTAAR, March 15-16.
175. Beel, C.R., Lifton, N.A., Briner, J.P., Miller, G.H., and Goehring, B.M., 2014, Concordant 10Be/26Al ages from high-elevation plateaus, Uummannaq fjord region, western Greenland. 44th International Arctic Workshop, INSTAAR, March 15-16.
174. Svendsen, J.I., Mangerud, J., Briner, J.P., and Young, N., 2014, Rapid break-up of the Norwegian Channel Ice Stream of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum. 31st Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, Lund, Sweden, January 8-10.
173. Kelley, S.E.*, Briner, J.P., Cronauer, S.L.*, Zimmerman, S.R., 2013, Comparing ice margin response to early Holocene warmth, Disko Bugt region, west Greenland, AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., abstract C33A-0655.
172. Briner, J.P., Schweinsberg, A*., Miller, G.H., Bennike, O., Lifton, A., 2013, Reconstructing the late Holocene expansion of mountain ice caps in west-central Greenland, AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., abstract C33A-0654.
171. Cronauer, S.L*., Briner, J.P., Kelley, S.E.*, Zimmerman, S.R., 2013, 10Be chronology of the Drygalski Moraines, central western Greenland, AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., abstract C33A-0653.
170. Young, N.E., Briner, J.P., Schaefer, J.M., 2013, Holocene evolution of the western Greenland Ice Sheet: Comparing geological reconstructions of ice-margin change to geophysical ice-sheet model outputs, AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., abstract C31C-06.
169. Ceperley, E.G.*, Pendleton, S.L., Briner, J.P., Zimmerman, S.R., 2013, A new 10Be chronology of teh LGM in the Brooks Range, Arctic Alaska, AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., abstract PP21C-1930.
168. Briner, J.P., Lifton, N.A., Miller, G.H., Refsnider, K., Anderson, R., and Finkel, R 2013, Using in-situ cosmogenic 10Be, 14C and 26Al to decipher the history of polythermal ice sheets on Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. Northeastern Geological Society of America Meting, Bretton Woods, NH, March 18-20.
167. Ryan-Henry, J.**, Thomas, E.K., Huang, Y., Briner, J.P., 2013, A Holocene centennial-scale temperature and precipitation reconstruction for western Greenland using leaf wax and GDGT biomarkers. Northeastern Geological Society of America Meting, Bretton Woods, NH, March 18-20.
166. Pendleton, S.L.*, Briner, J.P., 2013, Latest Pleistocene and Holocene glacier variability of the Arrigetch Peaks, Alaska. Northeastern Geological Society of America Meting, Bretton Woods, NH, March 18-20.
165. Thomas, E.K., Huang, Y., Briner, J.P., Dearaujo, J., Ryan-Henry, J.**, Wegener, P., Zhao, J., Clemens, S.C., Colman, S., An, Z., 2013, Leaf waxes as climate proxies in high latitude and high altitude lakes. Northeastern Geological Society of America Meting, Bretton Woods, NH, March 18-20.
164. Young, N.E., Briner, J.P., 2013, Holocene evolution of the western Greenland Ice Sheet: Assessing geophysical ice-sheet models with geological reconstructions of ice-margin change. 43rd International Arctic Workshop, UMASS, March 11-13.
163. West, B.A.**, Kelley, S.E.*, Briner, J.P., 2013, Using western Greenland isolation basins to constrain middle Holocene ice sheet and relative sea level changes. 43rd International Arctic Workshop, UMASS, March 11-13.
162. Pendleton, S.L.,* Briner, J.P., 2013, A 10Be chronology of late Pleistocene and Holocene glaciation in the Alapah Mountain region, north-central Brooks Range. 43rd International Arctic Workshop, UMASS, March 11-13.
161. Kelley, S.E.*, Briner, J.P., Cronauer, S.L.*, 2013, Reconstructing Holocene ice margin fluctuation in Disko Bugt, west Greenland. 43rd International Arctic Workshop, UMASS, March 11-13.
160. Cronauer, S.,* Briner, J.P., Kelley, S.E.*, 2013, Reconstructing Holocene ice sheet margins in central western Greenland: What is the age of the Drygalski Moraines? 43rd International Arctic Workshop, UMASS, March 11-13.
159. Briner, J.P., Kaufman, D.S., Bennike, O., 2013, Amino acid ratios in reworked marine bivalve shells constrain Greenland Ice Sheet history during the Holocene. 43rd International Arctic Workshop, UMASS, March 11-13.
158. Briner, J.P., Svendsen, J.I., Mangerud, J., Lohne, O.S., and Young, N.E., 2012, A preliminary 10Be chronology of Scandinavian Ice Sheet retreat from southwestern Norway. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., abstract C51C-0788.
157. Boldt, B.R., Kaufman, D.S., and Briner, J.P., 2012, Decadally resolved quantitative temperature reconstruction spanning 5.6 ka at Kurupa Lake, Arctic Alaska. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., abstract PP33A-2082.
156. Hakansson, L., Thomas, E.K., Andresen, C.S., Bennike, O., Briner, J.P., Holmgren, S., and Conley, D.J., 2012, Lacustrine records of Holocene ice margin change at Paakitsoq, western Greenland. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., abstract PP23B-2049.
155. *Kelley, S.E., Briner, J.P., Young, N.E., 2012, Rapid ice collapse in Disko Bugt: A new 10Be chronology of the last recession of the western Greenland Ice Sheet. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., abstract PP23B-2044.
154. Young, N.E., Schaefer, J.M, and Briner, J.P., 2012, A precise 10Be production-rate calibration from the Baffin Bay region: implications for high-resolution dating of ice-margin change. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., abstract PP23B-2043.
153. Briner, J.P., Hakansson, L., Bennike, O., and Kaufman, D.S., 2012, Using reworked bivalves and proglacial-threshold lakes to constrain Greenland ice margin change during the Holocene: New results from Upernavik Isstrom. 42nd Arctic Workshop, Colorado, USA.
152. Boldt, B., Kaufman, D.S., and Briner, J.P., 2012, A lacustrine record of middle- to late-Holocene glaciation from Kurupa Lake, north-central Brooks Range, Arctic Alaska. 42nd Arctic Workshop, Colorado, USA.
151. *Young, N.E., and Briner, J.P., 2012, The Younger Dryas interval was not that cold: Insights from Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. 42nd Arctic Workshop, Colorado, USA.
150. Gjermundsen, E.F., Briner, J.P., Salvigsen, O., Akcar, N., Kubik, P.W., Gantert, N., and Hormes, A., 2012, Late Weichselian ice sheet configuration in northwest Spitsbergen from 10Be dating and lithological studies of erratic boulders and bedrock. 42nd Arctic Workshop, Colorado, USA.
149. *Badding, M.E., Briner, J.P., and Kaufman, D.S., 2012, When glaciers left and when they came back: New 10Be ages on deglaciation and Neoglaciation in the Brooks Range, Arctic Alaska. 42nd Arctic Workshop, Colorado, USA.
148. Axford, Y., *Losee, S., Briner, J.P., Francis, D., Langdon, P.G., and Walker, I., 2011, Holocene temperature history at the west Greenland Ice Sheet margin reconstructed from lake sediments, AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., abstract PP31A-1826.
147. Gjermundsen, E.F., Akcar, N., Briner, J.P., Salvigsen, O., and Hormes, A., 2011, Cosmogenic 26Al/10Be data from alpine landscapes in Northwest Spitsberen, Svalbard, suggest minimal erosion throughout the Pleistocene. INQUA XVIII Meeting, Bern, Switzerland.
146. Axford, Y., Bartucci, K., and Briner, J.P., 2011, Do chironomids provide reliable Holocene temperature reconstructions for the Disko Bugt region of West Greenland? INQUA XVIII Meeting, Bern, Switzerland.
145. Briner, J.P., and Young, N.E., 2011, 10Be dating glaciation: The role of multiple sample types with examples from Colorado and Greenland. INQUA XVIII Meeting, Bern, Switzerland. INVITED.
144. *Young, N.E., Briner, J.P., Rood, D., and Finkel, R., 2011, The response of the western Greenland Ice Sheet to early Holocene abrupt climate change. INQUA XVIII Meeting, Bern, Switzerland.
143. Briner, J.P., Losee, S., Axford, Y., Francis, D.R., and Bartucci, K., 2011, Holocene lake sediment records from the Disko Bugt region, west Greenland, reveal rapid environmental change ~4000 years ago. INQUA XVIII Meeting, Bern, Switzerland.
142. Briner, J.P., *Kelley, S., and Miller, G.H., 2011, Ice caps on Disko Island, west Greenland, are smaller today than they have been in the past ~3500 years. 41st Arctic Workshop, Montreal, Canada.
141. **Truex, S., *Young, N.E., and Briner, J.P., 2011, Using proglacial lake sediments to constrain the Holocene history of the western Greenland Ice Sheet near Kangerlussuaq. 41st Arctic Workshop, Montreal, Canada.
140. *Losee, S., and Briner, J.P., 2011, 8000 year multi-proxy lacustrine records of Holocene environmental change near Jakobshavn Isbrae, west Greenland. 41st Arctic Workshop, Montreal, Canada.
139. *Kelley, S.E., Briner, J.P., *Young, N.E., 2011, Varying response of the western Greenland Ice Sheet to the Little Ice Age and 20th century climate forcing. 41st Arctic Workshop, Montreal, Canada.
138. Thomas, E.K., Huang, Y., and Briner, J.P., 2011, Leaf was hydrogen isotopes as a potential new proxy for precipitation seasonality in the Arctic. 41st Arctic Workshop, Montreal, Canada.
137. *Badding, M.E., Briner, J.P., Boldt, B., and Kaufman, D.S., 2011, Reconstructing Holocene glacier activity with 10Be exposure dating and lacustrine sediment cores, Brooks Range, Arctic Alaska: Initial results. 41st Arctic Workshop, Montreal, Canada.
136. Thomas, E.K., Huang, Y., Briner, J.P., *McGrane, S., 2010, As assessment of leaf wax hydrogen isotopes as a climate proxy in proglacial arctic lake sediments. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., abstract PP51A-1604.
135. *Young, N.E., Briner, J.P., Rood, D.H., and Finkel, R.C., 2010, Response of Jakobshavn Isbrae to early Holocene abrupt climate events. EOS Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., abstract C41B-05.
134. Hess, D.P., Schenk, A., Csatho, B.M., Nagarajan, S., and Briner, J.P., 2010, Determining surface elevation change of small ice caps on Greenland. EOS Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., abstract C32A-0596.
133. Corbett, L.B., *Young, N.E., Briner, J.P., Bierman, P.R., Graly, J.A., Neumann, T.A., and Rood, D.H., 2010, Using in-situ cosmogenic 10Be to understand deglaciation timing and glacial erosion efficiency near Jakobshavn Icefjord, western Greenland. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Annual Meeting.
132. Matmon, A., Briner, J.P., Carver, G., Bierman, P.R., and Finkel, R., 2010, Moraine chronosequence of the Donnelly Dome region, Alaska. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Annual Meeting.
131. Miller, G.H., Refsnider, K.A., Lehman, S.J., and Briner, J.P., 2010, Episodic growth of glaciers and ice caps in the eastern Canadian Arctic during the common era. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Annual Meeting.
130. Refsnider, K.A., Miller, G.H., Briner, J.P., and Rood, D.H., 2010, Deciphering ice-sheet erosion in the eastern Canadian Arctic on million-year timescales. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Annual Meeting.
129. *Young, N.E., Briner, J.P., Leonard, E.M., Licciardi, J., and Lee, K., 2010, Assessing climatic and non-climatic forcing of Pinedale glaciation and deglaciation in the western US. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Annual Meeting.
128. Briner, J.P., *Young, N.E., Leonard, E.M., and Lee, K., 2010, A new 10Be chronology of late Pleistocene moraines and glacial outburst flood terraces in the upper Arkansas River valley, Colorado. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Annual Meeting.
127. *Young, N.E., and Briner, J.P., 2010. Past retreat of Jakobshavn Isbrae ice stream, west Greenland: An analog for future retreat? Association of American Geographers, Annual Meeting.
126. **Roach, T., Csatho, B., and Briner, J.P., 2010. Using remote sensing techniques to document ice margin and proglacial changes of the western Greenland Ice Sheet over the 20th century. Association of American Geographers, Annual Meeting.
125. **Truex, S., **Philipps, W., *Young, N., *Stewart, H., and Briner, J.P., 2010. Using lake sediments to reconstruct spatial and temporal changes in the western Greenland Ice Sheet during the Holocene. Association of American Geographers, Annual Meeting.
124. *Young, N., Briner, J., Axford, Y., Rood, D., Finkel, R., and Csatho, B., 2010. The Holocene history of Jakobshavn Isbrae inferred from 10Be surface exposure ages and lake sediments. 40th International Arctic Workshop.
123. *McGrane, S., and Briner, J.P., 2010. A 600-yr-long varve record from Ayr Lake, Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. 40th International Arctic Workshop.
122. Briner, J.P., *Young, N.E., Thomas, E.K., *Stewart, H.A.M., **Truex, S., **Philipps, W., and *Losee, S., 2010. Dating Neoglaciation At Jakobshavn Isbræ, Western Greenland, With Varves From Proglacial-Threshold Lakes. 40th International Arctic Workshop.
121. Axford, Y., Briner, J., *Young, N., Francis, D., and **Darko, O. 2010. New Constraints On Greenland's Holocene Climate History: Chironomid-Based Temperature Reconstructions From Two West Greenland Lakes. 40th International Arctic Workshop.
120. *Stewart, H.A, Csatho, B., and Briner, J.P., 2009. Response of Jakobshavn Isbrae, west Greenland, to Little Ice Age climate change. EOS Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., abstract C32A-05.
119. *Young, N.E., Briner, J.P., Axford, Y., 2009. Response of Jakobshavn Isbrae, west Greenland, to Holocene climate forcing. EOS Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., abstract PP23D-08.
118. Axford, Y., Briner, J.P., Cooke, C., Francis, D., Michelutti, N., Miller, G., Smol, J., *Thomas, E., Wilson, C., and Wolfe, A.P., 2009. Arctic environmental change recorded in lake sediments from Baffin Island, Canada: The past century compared with the past 200,000 years. EOS Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., abstract PP13F-09.
117. Briner, J.P., Miller, G.H., *Stewart, H.A.M., *Young, N., and Anderson, R,. 2009. New records of Neoglaciation in the northeastern North American Arctic. EOS Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., abstract PP34A-02.
116. *Stewart, H.A., Briner, J.P., and Csatho, B.M., 2009. Dating the Little Ice Age advance of Jakobshavn Isbrae, Greenland, using proglacial lake sediments. American Geophysical Union Joint Assembly Meeting.
115. Bedard, D.T., Stewart, H., Thomas, E.K., and Briner, J.P., 2009. A Holocene lake sediment sequence from a proglacial, threshold lake near Jakobshavn Isbrae, west Greenland. 39th International Arctic Workshop, Bates College, April 21-23.
114. Stewart, H., Briner, J.P., and Csatho, B., 2009. Late Holocene history of Jakobshavn Isbrae, Greenland: A sedimentary archive of the Little Ice Age. 39th International Arctic Workshop, Bates College, April 21-23.
113. Young, N.E., and Briner, J.P., 2009. Response of Greenland's largest ice stream to the 8.2 ka event. 39th International Arctic Workshop, Bates College, April 21-23.
112. Briner, J.P., Stewart, H., Young, N., Csatho, B., and Axford, Y., 2009. Improving the timing of middle Holocene retreat and late Holocene advance of Jakobshavn Isbrae, Greenland. European Geophysical Union, annual meeting, Vienna, April 19-24.
111. Briner, J.P., Young, N., Stewart, H., Csatho, B., and Axford, Y., 2009. Middle Holocene retreat and late Holocene advance of Jakobshavn Isbrae, Greenland. Arctic Paleocliamte and its Extremes (APEX), annual meeting, Copenhagen, April 1-3.
110. Briner, J.P., Stewart, H., Young, N., Csatho, B., and Axford, Y., 2009. Middle Holocene deglaciation and Little Ice Age advance of Jakobshavn Isbrae, Greenland. Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section Meeting.
109. Bukata, A.R., and Briner, J.P., 2009. Rectifying tree ring and lake sediment isotope based chronologies of pollution in the Big Moose Lake watershed, NY. Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section Meeting.
108. Miller, G.H., Briner, J.P., Lifton, N., Kaplan, M.R., Refsnider, K.A., 2008. Testing the nunatak refugia hypothesis in the eastern Canadian Arctic with cosmogenic nuclides 14C, 10Be and 26Al. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, December, San Francisco.
107. Briner, J.P., Bini, A.C., Anderson, R.S., Davis, P.T., and Miller, G.H., 2008. Using 10Be to pace Laurentide Ice Sheet retreat in polar landscapes: Rapid fjord deglaciation on Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, December, San Francisco. INVITED.
106. Thomas, E.K., Szymanksi, J., and Briner, J.P., 2008. Holocene glacier fluctuations on northeastern Baffin Island, Arctic Canada, inferred from lake sediment records. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, December, San Francisco.
105. Young, N.E., Briner, J.P., and Leonard, E.M., 2008. 10Be chronology of late Pleistocene outburst floods in the upper Arkansas River basin, Colorado. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, December, San Francisco.
104. Hess, D.P., Briner, J.P., and Menzies, J., 2008. Evaluating subglacial bedform internal composition as a control on elongation - a case study from the southern margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, December, San Francisco.
103. Bini, A.C., Briner, J.P., and Anderson, R.S., 2008. The retreat of northern Laurentide outlet glaciers in response to pronounced warming and abrupt cold spells in the early Holocene: An analog for future Greenland Ice Sheet retreat? 38th International Arctic Workshop, Boulder, CO. March 5-7.
102. Noble, J.R., Briner, J.P., Thomas, E.K., and Ridgeway, M.L., 2008. Reconstructing detailed proglacial lake sedimentation using multiple cores from Big Round Lake, northeastern Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. 38th International Arctic Workshop, Boulder, CO. March 5-7.
101. Ridgeway, M.L., Thomas, E.K., Noble, J.R., and Briner, J.P., 2008. Using multiple surface cores to test the varve thickness-summer temperature relationship, northeastern Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. 38th International Arctic Workshop, Boulder, CO. March 5-7.
100. Thomas, E.K., and Briner, J.P., 2008. Late Holocene climate change inferred from varved proglacial lake sediments on northeastern Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. 38th International Arctic Workshop, Boulder, CO. March 5-7.
99. Ward, D.J., Anderson, R.S., Guido, Z.S., and Briner, J.P., 2008. Signatures of glacial erosion and retreat in the landscape: Cosmogenic and numerical modeling constraints. 38th International Arctic Workshop, Boulder, CO. March 5-7.
98. Young, N.E., and Briner, J.P., 2008. Late-glacial and Neoglacial ice advance inferred from a small valley glacier in the Alaska Range, Alaska. 38th International Arctic Workshop, Boulder, CO. March 5-7. 97. Noble, J.R., Thomas, E.K., and Briner, J.P. (2008). Reconstructing detailed proglacial lake sedimentation and climate using multiple cores from Big Round Lake, northeastern Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. Northeastern Section Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Buffalo, New York, March 27-29, 2008.
96. Shufelt, N., Hess, D.P., and Briner, J.P. (2008). Evidence of bidirectional ice flow from drumlin morphometry and till fabric analysis: A case study from the New York Drumlin Field. Northeastern Section Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Buffalo, New York, March 27-29, 2008.
95. Ridgeway, M.L., Thomas, E.K., and Briner, J.P. (2008). Using multiple surface cores to test the varve thickness-summer temperature relationship, northeast Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. Northeastern Section Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Buffalo, New York, March 27-29, 2008.
94. Stokes, P.J., Briner, J.P., and Baker, G.S. (2008). Ice-scoured bedrock, Laurentide meltwater, and Lake Tonawanda wind seiches: Glacial effects on the development of the Hiscock site. Northeastern Section Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Buffalo, New York, March 27-29, 2008.
93. Young, N.E., and Briner, J.P. (2008). Using lichenometry and Be-10 dating on Neoglacial moraines in the Alaska Range, Alaska. Northeastern Section Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Buffalo, New York, March 27-29, 2008.
92. Fulton, A.E. II, and Briner, J.P. (2008). Geographical information systems as a tool in the identification and selection of paleoecological study sites: A case study from western New York State, USA. Northeastern Section Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Buffalo, New York, March 27-29, 2008.
91. Thomas, E.K., and Briner, J.P. (2008). Holocene climate inferred from a 9000-year-long proglacial lake sediment record on northeastern Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. Northeastern Section Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Buffalo, New York, March 27-29, 2008.
90. Bini, A., Briner, J.P., and Anderson, R.S. (2008). The retreat of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in response to rapid warming and abrupt cold spells in the early Holocene: An analog for present-day Greenland. Northeastern Section Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Buffalo, New York, March 27-29, 2008.
89. Briner, J.P., and Kaufman, D.S. (2008). Emerging evidence for a 50-60 ka penultimate glaciation in Beringia. Northeastern Section Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Buffalo, New York, March 27-29, 2008.
88. Hess, D.P., and Briner, J.P. (2008). Investigating controls on subglacial bedform morphometry in the New York Drumlin Field – Implications for Laurentide Ice Sheet paleodynamics. Northeastern Section Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Buffalo, New York, March 27-29, 2008.
87. Thomas, E.K., Briner, J.P., and Axford, Y. (2007). Neoglacial cooling and 20th century warming inferred from proglacial varved lake sediments on northeastern Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, December, San Francisco.
86. Young, N.E., Briner, J.P., Kaufman, D.S., and Finkel, R.C. (2007). 10Be ages from northern Alaska Range moraines help constrain the timing of the penultimate glaciation in eastern Beringia. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, December, San Francisco.
85. Briner, J.P. (2007). Moraine pebbles and boulders yield indistinguishable 10Be ages: A case study from Colorado, USA. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, December, San Francisco.
84. Håkansson, L., Briner, J.P., Alexanderson, H., Aldahan, A., and Possnert, G. (2007). Cosmogenic exposure ages from northeast Greenland constrain the extent of the Greenland Ice Sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, December, San Francisco.
83. Ward, D.J., Anderson, R.S., Briner, J.P., and Guido, Z.S. (2007). Signatures of glacial erosion and retreat in the landscape: Cosmogenic and numerical modeling constraints. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, December, San Francisco.
82. Overeem, I., Briner, J.P., Kettner, A.J., and Syvitski, J.P. (2007). River response to deglaciation: A case-study of Clyde Fjordhead, Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. American Geophysical Union annual meeting, December, San Francisco.
81. Stokes, P.J., Baker, G.S., Laub, R.S., and Briner, J.P. (2007). Correlating georadar facies to subsurfce lithology: An approach to understanding the late Quaternary Hiscock Site, western New York State. Geological Society of America annual meeting, Denver, October 28-31.
80. Carr, M.E., Baker, G.S., Briner, J. (2007). Geophysical analysis of lacustrine environments for determining arctic warmth. Geological Society of America annual meeting, Denver, October 28-31.
79. Hess, D.P., and Briner, J.P. (2007). Indication of fast ice flow in the New York Drumlin Field. Canadian Quaternary Association conference, June 4-8, Ottawa.
78. Thomas, E.K., Axford, Y., Briner, J.P., and Francis, D. (2007). A sub-centennial temperature record inferred from subfossil midges for the past two millennia on northeastern Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. 37th International Arctic Workshop, Programs and Abstracts.
77. Szymanksi, J. and Briner, J.P. (2007). Late Holocene glacier change from proglacial Lake Longspur, Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. 37th International Arctic Workshop, Programs and Abstracts.
76. Briner, J.P., Axford, Y., Forman, S., Miller, G., and Wolfe, A. (2007). Multiple generations of interglacial sediment preserved beneath the Laurentide Ice Sheet. 37th International Arctic Workshop, Programs and Abstracts.
75. Anderson, R., Miller, G.H., Briner, J.P., Lifton, N., and DeVogel, S. (2007). Ice-cap history from northern Baffin Island: forcing mechanisms and comparison to the modern state. 37th International Arctic Workshop, Programs and Abstracts.
74. Hess, D., and Briner, J.P. (2007). Spatial distribution of subglacial landform elongation in the New York Drumlin Field. Geophysical Research Abstracts, v. 9, 04559; European Geosciences Union.
73. Szymanksi, J., and Briner, J.P. (2007). Neoglacial cooling and 20th century warmth preserved in the sediment record of proglacial Lake Longspur, Baffin Island, Canada. Geological Society of America, northeastern section meeting.
72. Rayburn, J.A., Briner, J.P., and Franzi, D.A. (2007). Cosmogenic exposure dating of an ice-marginal flood scour and boulder bar near the New York/Quebec Border. Geological Society of America, northeastern section meeting.
71. Briner, J.P., Miller, G.H., Anderson, R.S., Clarke, B., and Finkel, R. (2006). Selective glacial erosion and organization of ice flow at the continental fringe: Empirical data from the northeastern Laurentide Ice Sheet. EOS Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., abstract C14A-01. INVITED.
70. Anderson, R.S., Kessler, M.A., and Briner, J.P. (2006). The insertion of fjords into continental margins and their potential influence on ice sheet geometry. EOS Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., abstract C14A-02.
69. Axford, Y., Briner, J.P., Miller, G.H., and Francis, D.R. (2006). Not just the 8.2 event: Dynamic early Holocene climate in Arctic Canada. EOS Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., abstract PP41C-03.
68. Miller, G.H., Briner, J.P., Lifton, N.A., Anderson, R., and Finkel, R.C. (2006). Stability of the Laurentide Ice Sheet since the middle Pleistocene. EOS Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., abstract U24A-04.
67. Anderson, R.K., Miller, G.H., Briner, J.P., Lifton, N., and DeVogel, S.B. (2006). Rapidly melting ice caps of northern Baffin Island: Insights from cosmogenic and conventional radiocarbon dating. EOS Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract U22A-07.
66. Ward, D.J., Anderson, R.S., Briner, J.P., and Guido, Z.S. (2006). Signatures of glacial erosion and retreat in the landscape: Cosmogenic and numerical modeling constraints. EOS Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C33A-1254.
65. Thomas, E.K., Ridgeway, M., Wischerath, L., and Briner, J.P. (2006). Global warming and the international polar year as a context for teaching inner-city children earth and environmental science. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, annual meeting.
64. Wischerath, L.M., Stokes, P.J., Maletz, J., Briner, J.P., Baker, G.S., and Jarzyniecki, N.A. (2006). Evaluating the outreach successes of a NSF-OEDG program for increasing the diversity in the geosciences in western New York. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, annual meeting.
63. Jayakumar, A., Gomlak-Green, S., Stokes, P.J., Maletz, J., and Briner, J.P., (2006). An inspired objective: Motivating the arts in geoscience education. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, annual meeting.
62. Briner, J.P. and Kaufman, D.S. (2006). Alaskan glaciation from 5e to YD. International Quaternary Association conference: The Timing and Nature of Mountain Glaciation. Xining, China, September 14-16.
61. Francis, D.R., Axford, Y., Walker, I., Miller, G.H., Briner, J.P., and Wolfe, A.P. (2006). 130,000 years of chironomid remains: Climate change research at Arctic sites. 16th International Chironomid Symposium, Madeira.
60. Hess, D.P., Briner, J.P., and Kessler, M.A. (2006). Application of a two-dimensional numerical ice dynamics model to the finger lakes region of New York state.
Geological Society of America, northeastern section meeting.
59. Poczkalski, R.J., Perez, A.S., Wischerath, L.M., Philipps, W.E., Jayakumar, A., Jarzyniecki, N.A., Stokes, P.J., Thuman, H.A., Briner, J.P., and Baker, G.S. (2006). Changing tides: An invitation to diversify the geosciences via community outreach and inquiry-baed science education in eastern Tennessee. Geological Society of America, northeastern section meeting.
58. Gregg, T.K.P., Briner, J.P., and Paris, K.N. (2006). Glaciated terrain in Gusev crater, Mars. Lun. Planet. Sci. Conf. XXXVII, abstract #1792.
57. Anderson, R., Miller, G.H., and Briner, J.P. (2006). Ice cap retreat in northern Baffin Island: Providing a context for current arctic warming. 36th International Arctic Workshop, Programs and Abstracts.
56. Anderson, R.S., Molnar, P., Kessler, M.A., Briner, J.P., and Ward, D. (2006). Modeled glacial valley profiles and a field test of model predictions. 36th International Arctic Workshop, Programs and Abstracts.
55. Axford, Y., Briner, J.P., Francis, D.R., Miller, G.H. (2006). High-amplitude Holocene temperature changes on northeastern Baffin Island inferred from subfossil midges. 36th International Arctic Workshop, Programs and Abstracts.
54. Briner, J.P., Miller, G.H., Axford, Y., Werner, A., Kaufman, D.S., Axford, T., and Cullinan, K. (2006). A compact percussion piston corer for surface sediments. 36th International Arctic Workshop, Programs and Abstracts.
53. Håkansson, L., Alexanderson, H., Aldahan, A., Briner, J.P., Hjort, C., and Possnert, G. (2006). Using cosmogenic isotopes to reconcile two contrasting hypotheses for ice extent in east Greenland during the last glaciation. 36th International Arctic Workshop, Programs and Abstracts.
52. Szymanksi, J., Thomas, E.K., Briner, J.P., Axford, Y., and Miller, G.H. (2006). Preliminary paleoclimate proxy data from high-resolution surface sediment cores from two Baffin Island lakes: A context for the Anthropocene. 36th International Arctic Workshop, Programs and Abstracts.
51. Thomas, E.K., Briner, J.P., Axford, Y., and Miller, G.H. (2006). Comparing radiocarbon ages from aquatic moss macrofossils, humic acids and chironomid head capsules in arctic lake sediments. 36th International Arctic Workshop, Programs and Abstracts.
50. Axford, Y., Briner, J.P., Francis, D.R., Baker, G.S., and Miller, G.H. (2005). Midge-inferred temperatures from three interglacial periods in the eastern Canadian Arctic. AGU Fall Meeting (San Francisco, California).
49. Briner, J.P., Miller, G.H., Finkel, R., Kessler, M.A., and Anderson, R.S. (2005). Differential ice sheet erosion at a fjord onset zone. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs.
48. Miller, G.H., Briner, J.P., Kaplan, M.R., Lifton, N.A., Davis, P.T., Coulthard, R., Landvik, J., Clarke, B., and Atkinson, R. (2005). Resolving the role of cold-based ice along the NE Laurentide margin: New insights from a decade of exposure dating. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs.
47. Atkinson, R., Miller, G., and Briner, J. (2005). Ice cap retreat in northern Baffin Island: Providing a context for current arctic warming. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs.
46. Briner, J. (2005). Do long subglacial bedforms indicate fast ice flow? - A case study from New York. Geological Society of America, northeastern section meeting.
45. Atkinson, R., Briner, J., DeVogel, S., and Miller, G. (2005). Ice cap retreat in northern Baffin Island: Providing a context for current arctic warming. 35th International Arctic Workshop, Programs and Abstracts.
44. Michelutti, N., Wolfe, A., Rivard, B., Vinebrooke, R., and Briner, J. (2005). Recent increases of primary production in arctic lakes (Baffin Island, Nunavut): An application of visible-near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy. 35th International Arctic Workshop, Programs and Abstracts.
43. Francis, D.R., Walker, I.R., Wolfe, A.P., Miller, G.H., Briner, J., and Axford, Y. (2004). Distribution of midge remains (Diptera: Chironomidae) in Baffin Island lakes and their use in paleolimnological reconstructions. North American Benthological Society Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia.
42. Miller, G.H., Wolfe, A.P., Briner, J.P., and Nesje, A. (2004). The expression of the 8.2 ka and Younger Dryas events in the eastern Canadian Arctic. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, San Francisco, December.
41. Wolfe, A.P., Briner, J.P., and Miller, G.H. (2004). Pre-Holocene lake sediments from Baffin Island (Canadian Arctic) reveal more about glacial style than glacial extent. Symposium in Honor of Jan Mangerud (November in Bergen, Norway).
40. Briner, J.P., Francis, D., Michelutti, N., Miller, G.H., Axford, Y.L., Wooller, M., and Wolfe, A.P. (2004). Mutli-proxy lacustrine records of Holocene environmental change in Arctic Canada. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs.
39. Briner, J.P., Kaufman, D.S., Manley, W.F., Miller, G.H., Davis, P.T., and Finkely, R. (2004). Late Pleistocene glacial histories from the NW and NE corners of North America. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. INVITED.
38. Coulthard, R.D., Davis, P.T., Briner, J.P., and Miller, G.H. (2004). LGM glaciation of the Aston Lowland, Baffin Island, eastern Canadian Arctic: relict deglacial landscapes preserved under cold-based ice. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs.
37. Briner, J.P., Miller, G.H., Francis, D.R., and Axford, Y.L. (2004). The Holocene thermal maximum on northeastern Baffin Island. 34 th International Arctic Workshop, Programs and Abstracts, 36.
36. Coulthard, R.D., Davis, P.T., Briner, J.P., and Miller, G.H. (2004). Late Foxe glaciation of the Aston Lowland, Baffin Island, Nunavut: Support for an intermediate ice extent in the eastern Canadian Arctic. 34 th International Arctic Workshop, Programs and Abstracts, 43.
35. Miller, G.H., Briner, J.P., and DeVogel, S.B. (2004). The rapidly disappearing plateau ice caps of central Baffin Island: where will it all end? 34 th International Arctic Workshop, Programs and Abstracts, 120.
34. Overeem, I., Briner, J.P., and Kettner, A.J. (2004). How dynamic are fluvial-deltaic systems draining land ice? A case-study of Clyde River, Baffin Island. 34 th International Arctic Workshop, Programs and Abstracts, 134.
33. Briner, J.P. and Miller, G.H. (2003). Spatial Patterns of Frozen vs. Sliding Basal Conditions of the Northeastern Laurentide Ice Sheet. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, San Francisco, December.
32. Briner, J.P., Miller, G.H., and Kaplan, M.R. (2003). Paired cosmogenic isotope data provide insights into glacial-landscape evolution along eastern Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. Geological Society of America Abstracts and Programs.
31. Clarke, B., Briner, J.P., and Miller, G.H. (2003). Cosmogenic exposure dating vertical transects in the fiord landscape of northeastern Baffin Island: insights into glacial erosion. Geological Society of America Abstracts and Programs.
30. Manley, W.F., Briner, J.P., Lubinski, D., Caffee, M. (2003). Glacial history, surface exposure ages, and paleoELAs of the Yukon Tanana Upland, eastern Alaska. Geological Society of America Abstracts and Programs.
29. Briner, J.P., Miller, G.H., and Finkel, R. (2003). Paleo-ice streams revealed by cosmogenic exposure dating of differentially-weathered landscapes. XVI INQUA Congress Abstract Volume.
28. Miller, G.H., Briner, J.P., Frechette, B., and Dyke, A.S. (2003). Holocene glaciation and climate history of Baffin Island, Arctic Canada. XVI INQUA Congress Abstract Volume.
27. Davis, P.T., Briner, J.P., Coulthard, R.D., and Miller, G.H. (2003). Cosmogenic exposure ages of boulders indicate extensive late Wisconsin ice on the Aston Lowlands, Baffin Island. CANQUA Abstract Volume.
26. Briner, J.P., Miller, G.H., Davis, P.T., and Coulthard, R.D. (2003). An extensive northeastern Laurentide Ice Sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum. 33rd Arctic Workshop, April 3-5.
25. Coulthard, R.C., Davis, P.T., Briner, J.P., Miller, G.H., and Wolfe, A.P. (2003). Deglaciation of the Aston Lowlands, Baffin Island, Eastern Canadian Arctic: the marine limit enigma. 33rd Arctic Workshop, April 3-5.
24. Briner, J.P., Miller, G.H., Caffee, M., Bierman, P.R., Davis, P.T., and Finkel, R.W. (2002). Last Glacial Maximum erratics perched on ancient tors in Arctic Canada: implications for ice–sheet dynamics. Geological Society of America Abstracts and Programs.
23. Miller, G.H., Wolfe, A.P., Kaplan, M.R., Davis, P.T., Briner, J.P., and Stravers, J.A. (2002). Glaciation of Baffin Island: the Andrews legacy. Geological Society of America Abstracts and Programs.
22. Davis, P.T., Briner, J.P., Miller, G.H., Coulthard, R.D., Bierman, P.R., and Finkel, R.W. (2002). Huge >54,000 yr old glaciomarine delta on northern Baffin Island overlain by boulders with <20,000 yr old cosmogenic exposure ages: implications for non-erosive cold-based ice on Baffin Island during the LGM. Geological Society of America Abstracts and Programs.
21. Briner, J.P. and Miller, G.H. (2002). The hunt for the LGM, northeastern Baffin Island: On the trail of elusive cold-based ice, 32nd Arctic Workshop, March 14-16.
20. Briner, J.P., Hu, F.S., Kaufman, D.S., Manley, W.F., Axford, Y.L., Werner, A., and Caffee, M. (2002). Multi-proxi evidence for rapid and pronounced Late Glacial climate change in the Ahklun Mountains, southwestern Alaska, 32nd Arctic Workshop, March 14-16.
19. Manley, W.F., Briner, J.P., Lubinski, D.J., and Caffee, M. (2002). Glacial history, surface exposure ages, and paleoELA's of the Yukon Tanana Upland: Preliminary results, 32nd Arctic Workshop, March 14-16.
18. Briner, J.P., Hu, F.S., Kaufman, D.S., Manley, W.F., Axford, Y.L., Werner, A., and Caffee, M. (2002). Multi-proxy evidence for rapid and pronounced Late Glacial climate change in the Ahklun Mountains, southwestern Alaska, ARCSS All-Hands Workshop, February 20-22.
17. Briner, J.P., Miller, G.H., and Caffee, M. (2001). The hunt for the last glacial maximum: new cosmogenic exposure age constraints on the Laurentide Ice Sheet in the eastern Canadian Arctic, Geological Society of America Abstracts and Programs.
16. Briner, J.P., and Miller, G.H. (2001). The last glacial cycle of the Laurentide Ice Sheet: Preliminary findings from the Clyde Region, northeastern Baffin Island. 31st Arctic Workshop, March 21-23.
15. Kaufman, D.S., Briner, J.P., Werener, A., Cain, J., and Gregory-Eaves, I. (2001). Timing of last glacial maximum, Ahklun Mountains, Alaska, inferred from meltwater sedimentation in Arolik Lake. 31st Arctic Workshop, March 21-23.
14. Briner, J.P., Kaufman, D.S., Axford, Y., Hu, F.S., and Lee, B.Y. (2000). A 12,000 year lacustrine record from Nimgun Lake (and correlations with Little Swift Lake), Ahklun Mountains, southwestern Alaska. 30th Arctic Workshop, March 15-19.
13. Briner, J.P., Kaufman, D.S., Hu, F.S., Werner, A., Cain, J.C., Lee, B.Y., and Gregory-Eaves, I. (2000). Lacustrine record of the last glaciation from Arolik Lake, Ahklun Mountains, SW Alaska. 30th Arctic Workshop, March 15-19.
12. AMP Project Members, (2000). The Ahklun Mountains Project, from Togiak Bay to Mt. Waskey, SW Alaska. 30th Arctic Workshop, March 15-19.
11. Miller, G.H., Wolfe, A., Steig, E., Kaplan, M., and Briner, J. (2000). Goldilocks compromise looking good: New evidence from high-elevation Baffin Island lakes. 30th Arctic Workshop, March 15-19.
10. Briner, J.P., Axford, Y.L., Swanson, T.W., Caffee, M., and Kaufman, D.S. (1999). Surface exposure ages from the northern Ahklun Mountains, Alaska. 29th Arctic Workshop, University of Washington, Seattle.
9. Axford, Y.L., Kaufman, D.S., and Briner, J.P. (1999). Glacier fluctuations and paleoenvironmental change, northwestern Ahklun Mountains, southwestern Alaska: preliminary results. 29th Arctic Workshop, University of Washington, Seattle.
8. Manley, W.F., Kaufman, D.S., and Briner, J.P. (1999). Equilibrium line altitudes and winter precipitation anomalies for the last glacial maximum of the Ahklun Mountains region, southwestern Alaska. 29th Arctic Workshop, University of Washington, Seattle.
7. Briner, J.P., Swanson, T.W., Kaufman, D.S., and Caffee, M. (1998). Late Pleistocene glacial chronology of the western Ahklun Mountains, SW Alaska. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 30, p. 65.
6. Axford, Y.L., Kaufman, D.K., Manley, W.M., and Briner, J.P. (1998). Overview of the Ahklun Mountain Project: Quaternary glacial, sea-level, and paleoclimatic history, southwestern Alaska. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 30, p. 136.
5. Briner, J.P., Swanson, T.W., Kaufman, D.S., and Caffee, M. (1998). A 36Cl-based chronology for Wisconsin glacier fluctuations in the western Ahklun Mountains, southwestern Alaska. 28th Arctic Workshop, University of Colorado, Boulder.
4. Manley, W.F., Kaufman, D.S., and Briner, J.P. (1998). GIS determination of modern and late Wisconsin equilibrium line altitudes in the Ahklun Mountains of southwestern Alaska. 28th Arctic Workshop, University of Colorado, Boulder.
3. Briner, J.P., Kaufman, D.S., and Manley, W.F. (1997). Wisconsin glacial chronology of the western Ahklun Mountains, SW Alsaka, 36Cl ages from Wattamuse valley. In: Beringian Paleoenvironments Workshop, 40-41.
2. Manley, W.F., Kaufman, D.S., and Briner, J.P. (1997). GIS determination of late Wisconsin equilibrium line altitudes in the Ahklun Mountains of southwestern Alaska, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 29, p. 33.
1. Briner, J.P., and Swanson T.W. (1996). Using inherited cosmogenic 36Cl to constrain the magnitude, rate, and spatial distribution of glacial erosion, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 28, p. 433. |